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Jungkook threw his bowl with cereal when loud screaming echoed through the apartment that he shared with none other than Jung Hoseok. Though the scream that had made him drop his breakfast wasn't from said roommate. No this scream was way too high pitched to belong to his hyung.


Jungkook sighed before turning around, facing a livid Faya who looked like she just stepped out of bed, threw on the closest sweatpants and t-shirt she could find on her floor and ran over to their place. Though it wasn't the first time (and it will most definitely not be the last time) Jungkook saw her like this, it still looked a little weird with the haircut she was currently sporting. Het normally light blond hair was now blond with dark green highlights.

Jungkook snorted, even forgiving her for ruining his food by amusing him this early in the morning.

''You really do look like seaweed, holy shit''

She groaned and took a seat at the kitchen table. Jungkook decided to just grab an apple, leaving the cleaning up for later and sat down in front of her so he could properly look at her hair.

''So, does this mean that Kim Taehyung has colored his hair, once again?''

She sighed while shrugging.

''I'm still skeptical. But tomorrow is their comeback so we shall see'' she responded, her green eyes meeting his. ''I will be totally fucked when he is really my soulmate though''

Jungkook laughed before nodding. Having a soulmate who is as popular as Kim Taehyung will be a pain in the ass. Mostly because you will get the wrath of thousands of fans, and secondly, it's hard to prove that you are, indeed, their soulmate. Enough crazy fans already try to prove them that they are their soulmate by painting their hair the same color or by writing sentences on their wrist after having them heard saying those exact words.

That's why most idols keep their soulmate trades hidden from the public eye. Jungkook himself is connected to his soulmate by skin. It all happened when a drawing of an elephant had appeared when he had just came off age. Now he had gotten more drawings on his arms and hands from time to time but never words. Words were unable to get through. Though whenever he himself drew something, it got erased by his soulmate real quick so that stupid asshole has got some explaining to do because his drawings are perfectly artistic, thank you very much.

A loud groan brought Jungkook's attention back to the girl in front of him, who looked as if she wanted the ground to swallow her up.

''But what are you going to do if he is really your soulmate though?'' he asked.

She shrugged before leaning back in her seat, fingers playing with the hem of her shirt.

''Try to sneak past his bodyguards and hide in the back of their van?''

He looked at her, waited a couple of seconds and nodded. ''Best idea ever''

Faya glared at him. ''You have a better idea'?''

''I don't know, kidnap him?''

''Would you help?''

''Of course''

''Oke deal''

''Well, happy jail time''

They both looked up as Hoseok's voice resounded through the kitchen, closely followed by Hoseok himself, his hair still wet from the shower he took earlier.

''Though let me tell you that my precious money won't be going to any ransom I may have to pay. Taxes a quite expensive you know.''

''But look at it oppa'' she sighed while pointing at her head, as if it wasn't already painfully clear what she was talking about. He looked at her, blinked a couple of times before raising his eyebrows.

''You look lovely.... for a tree that is''

Hoseok could dodge her punch just in time, only for Jungkook to get kicked straight in the stomach after snickering loudly.

''So, is this the popstar's fault or...?''

''We'll find out when they have their next comeback'' Faya answered while still glaring daggers at Hoseok.

''Well then let's just wait until then before we paint it again''

''Just promise me one thing'' Jungkook said, still cradling his sore abdomen. They both looked at him with questioning gazes.

''If it really is Taehyung, than we paint it neon pink''

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