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It didn't work. Every time they would dye Faya's hair it would turn back to her original color with green highlights in no time. Which wasn't quite that surprising to be honest because those famous idols have a ton of stylists working for them but still, as Jungkook said, it sucks balls.

''No don't ask'' Faya grunted as Hoseok held up the green can of hair dye he had gotten from the mall two hours earlier.

''My hair is going to die if we don't stop right now.

Hoseok sighed before nodding his head, giving up surprisingly easy. Though as soon as Faya had turned her back to the boy, Hoseok had settled his eyes on Jungkook. He pointed at the can and mouthed; 'while she sleeps' to which Jungkook, of course, nodded because why would he not use the opportunity to get on the girl's nerves when it got literally displayed right in front of his nose. But the girl seemed smarter than they thought because the two of them were forced to leave her dorm before they could even mention something about a sleepover.

That's why they decided to go to the fanmeeting. Jungkook cried a little when he had to use his savings as the tickets were sold out, meaning they had to buy the tickets from some lugubrious site which caused them to be three times more expensive than the original ones. And before they knew it the day of the fanemeeting had come.

''This better be worth it'' Jungkook groaned as he got pushed into the back of the car by a nervous Faya.

''Don't worry you little but off Jungkookie'' Hoseok muttered as he took place behind the steering wheel.

''Taehyung is prosperous enough to pay us back for handing him his soulmate''

Faya only glared at the male as she sat down in the seat next to him, claiming the radio to be hers.

''Put on G-Dragon''

''No red velvet''

Faya shook her head. ''No we're going to listen to Grace now shut your mouths before I trick and treat you in the guts.......

did you guys get that?''

Both of them groaned and Jungkook took it upon himself to hit her on the back of her head.

''That wasn't even a pun you idiot''

''It's a good song though. And be careful of your dongseang. She's delicate'' she hissed while rubbing the sore spot on her head.

''Delicate my ass'' Hoseok mumbled before turning on the engine, muting Faya's (probably filthy) reply. It took Jungkook ten minutes into the ride to convince Hoseok to visit a gas station for snacks, twenty for him to convince Faya to finally play some G-Dragon and forty minutes for all of them to arrive at their destination. And the queue was.............fucking humongous.

''Fuck my live'' Jungkook groaned as he stepped out of the car.

''My vision can't even reach that far holy shit. How many of them are there''

''Drama queen'' Hoseok muttered before looking at the fans himself, making his eyes widen.

''There are a lot though, good god.''

Jungkook rolled his eyes while containing the urge to just turn around, step in the car himself and ride back home. It was way too warm to be standing in a queue for more than an hour. And he knows they're going to the looked at because one of them looks like fucking seaweed. Or not.... seeing that said piece of seaweed just snatched his beanie from his head.

''Ewh.. why is it red''

''You just stole it and even have the guts to complain?'' he said while raising one of his eyebrows in annoyance. She nodded her head while holding the beanie with outstretched arms, looking at it as if expecting it to grow legs and hobble away. They both heard Hoseok groan before grabbing the beanie himself and pushing it over Faya's head.

''Two toddlers, I have to care of two toddlers and I don't even get paid'' he grumbled while grasping both of their wrists, dragging them to the queue of dead.


''You look bald'' Jungkook muttered as he looked at the way Faya had stacked all her hair underneath her beanie. Or should he say, 'his' beanie.

''Shut up'' she muttered, her green eyes finding his.

''Well give it back''

''I'm going to punch you in the throat''

''You can't even reach that far''

Jungkook was just in time to dodge the fist that came for his stomach. They had been standing in the queue for more than forty minutes and it was taking a toll on Jungkook's sanity. His phone had only thirty percent battery left after having played on it for too long so now he was trying to entertain himself by bothering Faya, bringing himself into quite some danger.

The girl was just about to strangle him when the gates opened, successfully distracting her as the queue started to move. After the security had been through their bags and other people had scanned their tickets they were allowed inside, making Hoseok sigh out of happiness as it was still uncertain if their tickets form a website unknown to most of humankind were valid. But luckily they were and the three of them followed the mass of fangirls and fanboys to a spacious room with at the front a small stage.

''Wait..'' Faya said as her eyes scanned the place, ''Isn't this a fanmeeting where you meet them like.. one on one? Like walking alongside this long table and stuff?''

A girl in front of them laughed before turning around.

''No, this is just a small meeting between them and the fans. If you wanted to meet them one on on you should have bought VIP tickets''

Jungkook sighed as he ran his hand through his dark bangs. The girl in front of them met his gaze and her cheeks colored a pretty red. He smiled politely at her but she was quick to turn around and walk away with one of her friends.

''Why do you always scare them like that. Why can't you just... I don't know, hide you face'' Faya sighed as Hoseok snickered next to her.

''I can't believe you used to have a crush on him'' He croaked.

''Me neither'' she sighed, a smile hinting at her mouth reeks.

''I'm very crushable, thank you very much'' Jungkook huffed, watching as Hoseok rolled his eyes at his statement.

''Your soulmate sure won't know what to expect'' Faya grunted while kicking his shin which resulted in Jungkook grabbing her arms, pulling them on her back, making her immobile to do anything.

''Oppa!'' she whined, trying to kick behind her with not much succes.

''Oh my god, can't you two just be nice for once?'' Hoseok sighed while grabbing Faya, pulling her away from the other boy.

''We need to think of a way to grab their attention''

Jungkook already regretted going to this fanmeeting with his friends, knowing that this wasn't going to end well.

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