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''Well'' Hoseok sighed before letting himself fall into the red leather booth, ''that was a disaster''

''No shit Sherlock'' Jungkook muttered before taking a seat in front of Hoseok, followed by Faya who draped herself over the younger boy with a dramatic sigh. He grunted and tried to push her off his lap.

''I did have fun though'' she voiced while grabbing Jungkook's wrists, stopping his movements.

''Yea but I really don't see a way for you two to meet your soulmates. They will be gone by tomorrow afternoon'' Hoseok sighed while waving at one of the waiters. A young boy approached them and after taking their other's he was quick to walk away.

Faya's suddenly sat up, looking with wide eyes at the corner of the café where a little table was placed for children where they could color at when they got dragged here by their parents.

''Are that Wasco chalks?''

''Ehm.... maybe?'' Hoseok mumbled, not really seeing the relevance of it in their current situation. Jungkook however did, which is why he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back down when she tried to get up.

''No don't do that people will look at us.... Faya!''

She only laughed as she quickly made her escape, snatching a box full of Wasco chalks from the table and from a four year old boy before making her way back to both Hoseok and Jungkook.

"Did you guys know that this also works for hair dye'' she giggled.

Jungkook's yes came at the same time as Hoseok's no. Though the elder's nescience didn't seem to be be enough of a reason to leave her alone and as he helped her coloring her hair in different shades of purple, pink, green, yellow and red. When Jungkook asked why she did it, her only reason was; payback. Jungkook rolled his eyes and thanked the waiter as he brought their drinks.

He looked at the couple in front of him and was about to tell Faya that she looked ridiculous when his attention got caught by a jingling sound, meaning that another customer was coming in. His eyes focused on the door and to his utter bewilderment came in the five people they had been to a fan meeting for. He was more than glad that his two other companions were too busy because he knew they would embarrass the flying fuck out of him.

He watched as Jimin, his apparent soulmate, tried to snatch a blue beanie off of Taehyung's head. The taller one of the two slapped his hand away while adjusting the blue material so it covered all of his hair again. Jungkook doesn't blame him, looking at Faya's multicolored head.

As they walked further into the restaurant he prayed to all that was up there in the sky that they would not, he repeats not, walk alongside their table. But of course, when would it ever go like he wants it to?

Namjoon, their so called 'leader' had only passed by their table by two steps when Faya seemed to recognize them. He watched with his hearth in his throat how Faya stopped with everything she was doing, a wicked grin taking over he features.

''Hey Jimin!'' she called, watching as all five of them froze as they seemed to be recognized. Jimin slowly turned around, the other four following as Faya smiled at them. Jungkook could hear Hoseok gasp a couple seconds after as he had always been a little slow with realizing things like this and only seemed to be getting the situation just about now.

"Did you like the dick?"

Jungkook groaned as he covered his cheeks with his hands, feeling them burn as he mentally killed Faya in twenty different ways. He watched as some of the members became pale, probably thinking that Jimin's forehead penis had gone viral.

'H-how did you.....'' Namjoon muttered, not really seeming to know how to handle the situation. Faya laughed before saying, 'watch this' and Jungkook could only gasp as he felt a pink Wasco chalk swipe across his forehead. Within two seconds the same stripe was also painted on Jimin's forehead, who seemed to understand what was happening once Jin started to laugh rather loudly. Namjoon and Yoongi only snickered as Taehyung was too busy, staring at Faya with wide eyes.

''STOP THAT'' he suddenly screamed as he pointed at her hair.


''Well maybe you should have realized that not all of us look good with green stripes through their hair'' she hissed back while quickly grabbing the box of Wasco chalks and holding it out of Taehyung's reach. The other was about to say something but got interrupted by a ''WAIT!'' from Yoongi as he pointed one finger at Hoseok.

''That's that idiot I was talking about!''

Faya snickered as Hoseok gave the elder an affronted look, not really liking the title he had gotten from the band member.

''Excuse me?''

''You're that freaky fanboy!''

The man apparently wasn't someone who thought about the impact of his words because it may not have been the nicest words he could have said. Maybe it was better if he hadn't said anything at all but Jungkook is just glad that his hyung is more insulted than hurt at the celebrity's words.

Hoseok was about to retort something back when he winced and held onto his left wrist, pulling it against his chest while hissing slightly.

''Fuck that hurts''

Faya seemed a little concerned at that and took Hoseok's hand in hers, quickly looking if something was wrong. She seemed to realize what was happening and grabbed one of the ice cubes out of her drink, rubbing it over the other's wrist. Hoseok let out a relieved sigh at that. Though his relieved mood changed when Faya opened her mouth again.

''That's a nice soulmate tattoo you have here'' she snickered.

''No!'' Hoseok gasped while pulling his hand back, only to groan out in misery as his eyes scanned the words on his skin. ''I have to live with this? Couldn't you have said something else''

''Wait'' Yoongi suddenly said, his skin turning even paler than before, ''but my soulmate is a girl...''

''What do you mean, look at this'' Hoseok hissed while showing the other the red outlines of Yoongi's first words spoken directly to him. The other male sighed while pulling off the bandage that was wrapped around his own wrist while showing Hoseok the words, 'Yoongi Oppa', that had been carved into it. Jungkook saw his hyung's cheeks color a pretty red as the vivid memory of him, screaming Yoongi Oppa on the top of his lungs suddenly reoccurred in Jungkook's mind.

Hoseok awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

''Ah yeah.. that was me''

Faya was a laughing mess at this point and Jungkook groaned, embarrassed at the whole ordeal as he placed hit head on the table, trying to give himself a concussion in the hope of getting amnesia and forgetting that all of this had happened.

His soulmate. His famous, very pretty and very cute soulmate just had to meet him like this. He really should go and look for better friends because he doesn't deserve this.

''Ehm... maybe it's a good idea to have dinner together, and I don't know.. learn each other's names perhaps?'' Namjoon muttered after a silence had fallen.

''Nope, not gonna do that. I'm no longer staying with these two I think it's best if we take separate boots'' Jungkook spoke, already grabbing his ice tea from the table. He didn't look as he passed the others and walked to the furthest boot available. Though the reality of what he had suggested to do only settled down upon him when a heavy blushing Jimin slid into the same booth and took a seat in front of him.

He hadn't thought this trough to be honest because holy shit his soulmate is sitting in front of him and he is so cute and Jungkook really doesn't know how to handle this...

Famous SoulmatesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon