In the Crowd

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In The Crowd

I sighed as I sat down on the couch, grabbing my acoustic guitar practicing the songs we would soon be playing. This show was the midpoint of our tour, and we are going be playing in my hometown Salt Lake City. I hummed the songs, not wanting to hurt my voice before the show. I finally gave up trying to entertain myself and walked toward the mirror that stretched from the ceiling to the floor. I straightened my blue bowtie, then fixed the collar to my black dress shirt. I could barely breathe my white vest was tightened so tight. I am just glad that my pants weren't that tight.

The rest of the guys were busy setting up their equipment for the show and the merchant table, I was left to be alone in the dressing room. I sighed looking around the room for ways to entertain myself, the walls were coated with band names and members who have played the club before. I quickly looked around the room for a sharpie, after what seemed like an hour of searching for one I decided to go out to the stage and ask the guys.

"Um guys. I have a serious question!," I shouted over the noise of drums being tested for soundcheck. Everyone stopped moving and stared, majority had their eyebrows raised in judgement. "Do any of you have a sharpie?" My tone was filled with urgency.

"Dallon you idiot I thought it was something extremely important," the rest of the crew groaned in agreement,"Yeah check the merch table there's a dozen of them for the signing." Bryan pointed and went back to working. I walked in the direction he pointed, I sighed as I finally had a sharpie in hand and jogged back to the dressing room. I searched for a space on the wall that was not covered with a messy scribble that was considered to be letters. Finally I found a space and signed: Dallon Weekes, The Brobecks April 8th, 2008.

I stood back satisfied with my work, hopefully in the future I'll be able to sign again.

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