Vices & Virtues part 2

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I could feel my heart beating so fast that I was sure that Brendon could hear it. Honestly I just wanted to get this over with, the anxiety is killing me.

"Alright! Stage is yours!" I heard Zack's voice through the dead mic. Brendon ran out in front of me, I ran after him and took the left side of the stage while Ian took right.

"ALRIGHT! LETS KILL THIS!" Brendon said giving us our cue to start playing, Let's Kill Tonight. Brendon started prancing around the stage and singing, setting the tone for the rest of the show. Then I started searching the crowd, looking for a blue head somewhere. During the part of Lets Kill Tonight where it's just clapping I could here Ian say,"Moving your side Dal, think your girl is on mine." Ian clapped his way toward the middle of the stage where he was on Brendon's left side, I quickly moved over to Brendon's right. I moved towards were we usually would stand and began to scan this side of the crowd.

"Just stay on that side." Ian's voice said in my ear. After finishing Lets Kill Tonight Brendon spoke,"Hey everyone, We're Panic! At the Disco obviously. Let me introduce you to the band. That guy on drums is Spencer," Spencer played a beat on the drums then waved,"On the guitar is Ian," Ian waved,"My man on the bass is Dallon," I also waved to the crowd.

"And the amazingly talented Brendon Urie as our vocals!" I shout through the mic pointing at Brendon. The crowd screams I'm excitement. Now I started to scan this side of the crowd, standing pushed against the barricade, with a wide smile was Raven. She waved at me and shouted something I could not hear. Brendon began to talk about the album, then announced the next song. Once again I kept my eyes on her, I did not want to let her go again.


"Alright guys we got something special for you tonight," Brendon gestured for me to come next to him,"Dallon is going play one of his song's from The Brobecks! He is an amazing singer so I hope you all enjoy it." Brendon stepped away from the mic and ran offstage to grab a guitar.

"This song is called Love At First Sight," I looked for Raven," And it's dedicated to you." The fans cheered, each of them guessing it was for them. Raven stood with a smile and sung the words along with me.

Could this be love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

You're photogenically dressed, the conversation begins

Oh god, now what did I say? Let me start over again

Could this be love at first sight, Oh wait I said that before

I need a place tonight, happy to sleep on the floor, but don't go out of your way and I won't talk anymore

Turn off the lights, I'm in love..

Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to, kiss her? Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to, dance with her? Darkened nights and violent things, vaudevillian girls and violin strings.

All of these are the prettiest things when.. I'm in love

Turn off the lights, I'm in love..

Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to, kiss her? Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to, dance with her? Darkened nights and violent things, vaudevillian girls and violin strings.

All of these are the prettiest things when.. I'm in love

I smiled widely while singing, the joy in my voice was evident. Raven swayed her body to the beat and seemed to be the only one singing the lyrics back at me. Her cheeks were red and she grinned. She knew why I was singing and she knew she was the one I dedicated it to. I could hear the three guys almost in unison say,"Dallon! That was great!" into the dead mic. The crowd cheered in excitement and I skipped to my spot on the right side of the stage. Brendon announced the last song, Memories. I spoke into the dead mic, hoping Zack or the security guards would hear,"Can someone pull out a girl with blue hair from the barricades? And take her backstage. She's on my side of the stage." I could see the security man standing below the stage move towards Raven, at first she hesitated but after something he said into her ear she hopped out, and followed him backstage.

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