Vices & Virtues part 1

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-December 12, 2011-

It's great and sad to say that I've pulled away from The Brobecks and have joined Panic! At the Disco as their touring bassist. I had great respect for the band when they first rose to fame in 2005, never would I think that I would join them. Most of the Panic! fans didn't exactly greet Ian and I with open arms. But other than that it's been a great transition, both Brendon and Spencer are great musicians and have an admirable work ethic. We now are reaching the end of this amazing tour, and are playing in Salt Lake City.

"Hey Dallon, look there's your signature from three years ago," Brendon pointed at my handwriting.

"That was from when I was in the Brobecks dude," I sighed,"Seems like it was yesterday."

Brendon smiled up at me,"Oh memories where'd you go?" He sung softly and milled off towards the food.

Spencer must have heard Brendon sing because he started talking about when Panic! first started back in 2004. Spencer exchanged inside jokes with Brendon to which they laughed their asses off to, while Ian and I shared confused glances between each other. Even though I had heard the story a million times since I joined them as a touring member I still listened. Brendon and Spencer talked proudly of the past and used it to build off of. They've had their share of punches and knockouts, but they have always jumped back up. It was hard not to be proud of them, they just rocketed their way to the top of the charts, people loved how out-of-the-box they were. Unlike many artists they come out with something new and unexpected, which always keeps people guessing. Honestly, just listen to their 3 albums, each are unique and different from each other. Their true fans stuck with them after Pretty. Odd. To which many so called 'fans' and critics disliked, however I thought it was ingenious.

After Spencer finished his reminiscing, Brendon burst into the dressing room holding up four sharpies in one hand,"Who wants to leave their mark?!" He shouted excitedly,"You actually have no choice." He flug a sharpie at each of us. He jumped onto the couch, reaching for an empty space for him to 'leave his mark' on. I laughed and stood next to him, although I didn't need the extra effort to stretch myself to reach the space. Brendon huffed putting his hands on his hips and pouting,"Not fair!" He threw his sharpie down in frustration. Spencer's, Ian's, and my own laugh echoed in the large room, only further mocking Brendon.

"When is soundcheck?" Ian spoke out after we finished signing the wall.

"I think they're working on lighting, possibly still are getting the stage set up." Spencer said while idly playing his drumsticks on a collection of boxes.

"I like the ghetto drumset you've made there." Brendon laughed pointing out Spencer's collection of boxes set up like drums.

"Hey, if we possibly lose my drums I could use this during a show." Spencer pointed a drumstick at Brendon while narrowing his eyes.

"That actually might work," I shrugged my shoulders. Spencer began playing on his ghetto drumset, exhibiting that it does indeed work.

"Just need some paper plates for symbols, then I would be all set." Spencer joked as Brendon rolled his eyes. Just as Brendon was about so say a sarcastic comment Zack, our touring manager, busted into the dressingroom.

"Soundcheck guys! Everyone to the stage." He held a hand on the doorknob and waited for us.

"Can I bring my ghetto drumset?" Spencer asked. Zack simply rolled his eyes and pointed to the hallway leading to the stage.

"Guess that's a no." Spencer mumbled, dragging his feet while he walked. I walked in front of the guys, whenever I walked behind them I usually stepped on their heels, causing them to curse.

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