Where Is She?

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Finally, after waiting for what seemed like an eternity the time had come to take the stage. I ran out smiling and waving to the crowd.

"Hey! We're The Brobecks, and you paid for a show. We're here to give it to you!" I laughed as the crowd roared, by me merely speaking.

"This one is called Love At First Sight." After making it through about half of our planned setlist, I started to notice something. Behind a tall man who was shoved against the barricades was a bobbing blue head, I noticed this at the beginning of Goodnight Socialite. After the song I stopped,"Hey dude, can you let girl move in front of you please? I've been seeing her do it for the last song or two." After an unhappy look the man stepped aside to let the girl stand in front. The rest of the crowd looked around in confusion, each of them searching for a blue haired girl behind them.

"Thanks man." I pointed at the guy. Who gave a sarcastic smile in return. When I looked back at the girl who now stood against the barricade, she had a wide smile on her face and mouthed thank you. I mouthed you're welcome back to her and winked.

"Alright this next is called Better Than Me." The crowd roared as the music started playing and my voice flowed out. I couldn't help but stare at this blue haired girl, she sung the words right back at me. She swayed to the music and knew I had my eyes her. I continued singing, almost ignoring the crowd and solely focusing on her. On the beautiful smile, on the sparkling eyes whose color was unknown to me. Even when I did look away and try to engage the rest of the crowd I could still see her smile. Something about her just caught my eye, maybe it was the just vibrantly colored hair.

The rest of the concert continued like that, me trying to forget about her but somehow my eyes just gravitated to her. After the last note of the last song was played I announced,"We are going to be at the merch table signing stuff! And of course pictures are always welcome! See you guys soon!" I ran off stage and followed one of our security guards down a long hallway that ended at the merch table.

I hope she'll come, I hope she'll say hello, I hope I would know her name.

After 2 hours of signing and talking to fans, she never came. Never did I see her blue head ask for a signature. It was like she was never even here. Strangely enough I was more hurt then I expected. Honestly you think if you did something nice for a person they would come and say hello.


It was our last show, and still I couldnt get her off my mind. It was two months after that concert. I know how cheesy and cliche it is, but that's just how it is. I even went as far as looking at the videos our cameraman got and posted a part with her dancing in the front asking the fans to find her.. Nothing, like she simply never existed.

The other guys to forget about her, telling me that nothing would ever happen between her and I. Honestly it bothered me to not know what could have happened, the big what if scenarios always popped into my head. I tried talking about this with the guys but the laughed and told me I was whipped over some girl I don't know a single thing about.

In the CrowdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora