Welcome To the Crew

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   I squinted my eyes as soon as I opened them, bright like shown through the gap between the curtains. A small body stood in between the gap, a blanket draped across her shoulders, her blue hair was in a curly mess. She gazed out the window, looking at downtown Salt Lake City below her. 

"Good morning," She chirpped happily, swinging around to look at me. 

I groaned pulling the covers back over my head to block the light,"No, I'm going back to sleep." I could hear her giggle and her footsteps coming towards me. She grasped the corner of the blanket and pulled hard, taking it out of my reach. 

"C'mon time to get up sleepy head!" She grabbed my hands with her own small ones. She began to try to pull me up and out of the hotel bed without any success. I laughed and pulled her down onto the bed. "Ugh! Dallon c'mon!" She groaned and playfully hit me on the arm. She sat up and tried to scoot herself to the edge of the bed where should could get off, I quickly wrapped my arms around her from behind and pulled her back. She squirmed in my tight grip, kicking and failing her arms trying to hit me. "DAAAALLLOOOOONNN!! STOOOOOOOPP" She squealed loudly. I laughed and pessed my cheek against hers, I could feel her body relax in my hold. She pressed back towards me, holding onto my hands that were wrapped around her small waist. Her cheek was warm, I made the assumption that she was blushing. We stayed like this for what seemed like forever, until Raven abruptly moved out of my grip and moved off of the bed. 

 "Its 9:01, I should probably take a shower." She took her hair out from her some-what bun and moved toward the bathroom, only stopping to pick up clothes. I sighed and reached for the remote, looking through the channels until finding a reality tv show about housewives. I pushed back my hair and stood to hear both of my knees pop in disagreement. I moved to my suitcase and pulled a outfit for today, something casual, but nice. The shower turned on, telling me that she had just got in. I decided to look through my unorganized backpack to find my phone to check if anyone had called or texted me. It would be good to know what we're are doing with our day off and when we're leaving. After digging through boxes of guitar picks, bowties, empty food wrappers, and old plane tickets, I finally held my phone. 

Brendon: (8:30 a.m.) Hey meeting up in the lobby at 10. 

Brendon: (8:33a.m) We have a surprise for Raven and its involves you too. 

Spencer: (8:44 a.m.) I just saw a man outside with my ghetto drumset. 

Me to Brendon: Okay, We'll be there. Surpirse?

My phone quickly chirped and vibrated in my hand almost insantly. 

Brendon: Yes, a surprise. You are up late! Jeez, what where you doing last night? 

Me: Sleeping. 

 Brendon: Before that. 

Me: You're not getting the response you want because it didn't happen. 

Brendon: smh

  I sighed and tossed my phone on the bed and reached for the clothes I had layed out for today. I undressed, my joints popping in disagreement. I slid my arms into a white button up shirt and pulled a patterned sweater over my head. I reacher for a pair of black skinny jeans and pulled them up my legs. I grabbed a pair of totally different socks putting them on my feet. I groaned from having to move from the bed to the door to retrieve my shoes. I slipped the worn black vans on and tied the laces. I twisted my back, hearing it pop twice causing me to groan in relief. I shook out my sore legs, and streched my arms. I moved over to the mirror that sat across from the bed, my brown hair was all over the place sticking up in odd places. I ran my fingers through my hair smoothing it down and making it a little less crazy looking and pushed it to the side. I checked my phone, looking at what the weather would be outside: a high of 40 degrees. I sighed and moved to my suitcase, unzipping it then finding my black coat. I set it on the table closest to the door so that I would remember to take it when I go out. Finally I heared the shower shut off and after a long pause a heard the door open and a could of steam flowing from it. She smiled walking towards me while she brushed her wet hair out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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