Chapter 1

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"Wake up, Relina." I hear Sidnae say as she knocks on my door. I slowly uncover myself and get out of my small bed. I only have a few minutes to get ready and outside before men begin to enter the building.

"I'm awake." I reply and then can hear her footsteps slowly fade away. My feet move quickly across the narrow bedroom as I move towards the small old chest at the end of my bed. The heat of the morning slowly fills my room, making me wish I lived in the North where it snows in the summer. I put on my favorite dress, it's dark blue with embroidery down the center. The loose fabric is joined together in between my shoulder blades. My shoulders and arms are showing, cooling me down instantly as I place the beautifully designed belt around my waist.

The Great Sept bells ring three times, resonating throughout King's Landing. This could only mean one thing; a death.

I plait two small sections of my hair and tie them together in the back, allowing my dark brown hair to cascade down my back. The stench of perfume and sweat overwhelm my senses when I open the door, the common stench of a brothel. I walk down two flights of stairs and I'm greeted by many familiar faces.

"Jon Arryn has died." Sidnae says nonchalantly as she sips from the chalice she's holding. I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"What from?" I ask curiously. Although Lord Arryn was an older man, he seemed healthy and strong, or so I was told.

"He was struck with a mysterious sudden illness, even the Grand Maester was clueless." She walks over to a piece of glass and begins to fix her blonde hair. Sidnae is like the mother I never had. Although she isn't the greatest, she would do anything to protect me.

"You don't need to go outside today, Lord Baelish will be at the Red Keep all day." Kyra says. She sits on the couch, her body bare of clothing, only wearing fine jewelry. I've gotten used to it, although it took me a few years.

"I'm afraid I can't. I told Gendry I'd be meeting him today." Before I go Sidnae walks over and kisses me on the cheek.

"Be safe." Her hazel eyes fill with concern for only a moment. Whenever I tell her I will be walking around King's Landing she has the same look in her eyes.

"I will." I tell her before saying goodbye to everyone and walking out the back door. A few men are there and give me crude looks, but they never approach me. It is known that you never harm one of Lord Baelish's whores. Although I don't work for Lord Baelish, people believe I do. It's true that I am the daughter of a whore, but I would never take up the profession myself. Lord Baelish doesn't know I'm living in his brothel's attic. Every day I leave when the sun is about to rise and come back when the moon is the highest point in the sky.

I walk through the alleyways of King's Landing, the loose cobblestone making it hard to walk straight. The houses and shops are extremely close together and the streets are already crowded with merchants and passerby's. A slight smile spreads across my face when I hear the familiar sound of metal hitting metal. I walk around the corner and see the blacksmith shop. An older man, who I immediately recognize as Tobho Mott, smiles and nods in my direction. I walk past him and towards my friend. He has short, thick black hair and blue eyes. Residue from the coals cover various parts of his body and clothing. I quickly walk up to him and throw my arms around him, hugging him.

"I don't want to ruin your-"

"Shut up." I interrupt him and hug him tighter as he hugs me back. I haven't seen Gendry in two months. I've had to divide out the time that I see him to stop suspicion. I used to visit him every day when I was younger, but as my father and uncle raise in popularity, the risk of me being found out becomes greater.

We go out the back door to speak to each other. Mott allows it because he believes that Gendry and I are together.

"It's been forever since I've seen you." Gendry says with a twinge of sadness and happiness.

"I know. It's just been so hard with everything that's been going on lately. I wish we could see each other more."

Gendry smiles and then looks away "Did you hear the bells this morning? People are saying that Jon Arryn is dead."

"That's what I heard too."

He looks back at me with a serious look "You should be careful Re."

"Don't get all morbid and serious on me now." I say playfully.

"I just....wouldn't want you to get hurt. That's all."

"Nothing will happen to me. I promise."

Mott's voice is interrupts our conversation, "You can't be out there all day." He calls for Gendry and he looks at the door and then me.

"I'll see you soon." I give him a long hug. He lets go of me and walks away, disappearing inside the smithery.

I begin to walk around King's Landing. I walk through the botanical gardens that are full of vibrant colored flowers. The peaceful aurora calms me. The next place I visit is the shipyard. Although it has a pungent smell, all of the people who leave and enter the dock have interesting personalities and looks. Everyone has a different reason for coming to King's Landing.

Soon the moon is high in the sky, the sound of birds chirping is replaced by the loud voices of drunk men. I walk back to the brothel and enter through the back door. The brothel is almost empty. A few noble men can be seen talking to the girls, but this makes it easier for me to go upstairs unnoticed.

I quickly and quietly go up the flights of stairs and enter my small room. I can hear the noisy brothel from my bedroom, something I've learned to ignore. A sudden knock on the door makes me jump.

"This came for you." I hear Sidnae whisper and slide a piece of paper underneath the door before I hear her walk down the steps. 

I pick up the folded piece of paper that is sealed with wax but no sigil. My curiosity takes over and I quickly open it.

The royal family is heading to Winterfell to appoint Eddard Stark as the Hand of the King. I will be absent for two months and will leave a coin purse with Sidnae before I go.

I place the letter down on the chest. Father hardly ever writes to me, usually if he needs to speak to me he comes to the brothel during the busiest hour. This must mean it's urgent.

I sigh and change my clothing into my night gown and lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and slowly fall asleep.

Remember to...




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