Diagon Alley & Sickness

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Tuesday rolled around pretty quickly.

I've been hanging out with Fred and George all day, everyday.

Today was the day me and my mum go to the Weasley household and go to Diagon Alley.

"You ready hun?!?" My mum yelled.

I was in the bathroom doing my hair.

"Not yet!! A few more minutes!!" I yelled back.

"Okay!!" My mum said

I finished up my hair.

I walked into my room, grabbed my black slouch backpack, put my iPod and personal items in it and closed it up and ran down stairs.

"Now I'm ready." I said.

"Finally. Okay. I'll meet you at Diagon Alley. I have to go somewhere." My mum said

"Okay." I grabbed some Floo Powder and said, "THE BURROW."



(At The Burrow)

After I was done twirling through the emerald green fire, I ended up at my second home. The Burrow.

Yes. I did call it my second home. The Weasley's were like my second family. And I loved it.

The first thing that happened to me was Fred and George pulling me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Mmpff" I said as they pulled me into their arms, "Can't.....Breathe...Guys"

"WE MISSED YOU!!" They yelled letting me go.

I was trying to catch my breath. My side was hurting from them hugging me so tight.

"(Sigh) Jesus!! You try and kill me and then say 'WE MISSED YOU!!'. I feel (Sigh) the love." I said trying to breathe normal again.

Fred and George laughed while I still tried to catch my breath.

"Admit it. You still love us." George said.

It was true. I did love them. I loved both of them. With all of my heart. They made me smile. They make me forget all the bad times. They make me live all the good times. We are like the 3 peas in a pod. Or the 3 Musketeers.

I finally caught my breath.

"You two are lucky I love you both." I said smirking.

"Not as lucky as you are." Fred said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. I was very confused.

"Cuz' we love you more." George said.

"Really now? I think I love you two more." I said smiling.

"Who ever wins at the tickle fight loves the other more!!" George said very fast.

Next thing I knew, I was pinned on the ground, laughing my ass off from being tickled by Fred and George. They knew that tickling was my weakness and that I always lost at it.

"Who loves who more!!??" Fred yelled while still tickling my sides.

"Y-Yo-You guys!!" I laughed.

By this time, I was crying from laughing so hard.

Fred was on top of me, tickling my sides. And George was by my head tickling my neck.

"We can't hear you!!" George yelled.

"You-You Guys!!!" I yelled out of laughter louder.

Fred and George finally stopped tickling me.

Prankster Love | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now