First Day At Hogwarts

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I woke up at 7:30 AM to my alarm clock going off.

Fred and George stayed the night. And so did Molly. She slept in the extra bedroom.

The twins and I all fell asleep in my room on my bed watching a movie.
When I sat up, I seen Fred and George were still sleeping.

"Hey. Guys. Wake up." I said shaking them.

They both groaned and yawned and sat up.

They had messy hair with drool crusted to the corner of their mouths.
On the other hand, my hair looked like a rat made a nest in it, drool crusted to the corners and my chin to my mouth, and crust sticking to the inside corners of my eyes.

"Wow. You look awful in the morning." Fred said.

"I'm not a morning person." I said in a moody tone, rubbing the eye crust and drool off of me.

"I can tell." Fred mumbled.

"What'd you say?" I asked knowing the answer.

"Oh, nothing." He said quickly.

"Mhmm. That's what I thought." I said back again in a moody tone.

Fred, George, and I all got up and went down stairs.
Molly and my mum were talking and drinking coffee.

"I'm making me a cup of coffee." I said.

"Okay hun. Are you packed for Hogwarts?" My mum asked.

"Yup." I replied.

"You made sure you got your insulin and the rest of your medicine and blood sugar things are packed?" She asked taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yes mum." I said pouring the coffee into a mug that had the unicorn on it.
I added some cinnamon flavoring to the coffee.

I took a sip of coffee.

"Sorry guys. Do you want any coffee or drink or anything to eat?" I asked looking at the twins who were half awake.

"Coffee please." They both said.

"Okay. Flavoring or black?" I asked.

"Can I taste yours to see how it tastes with cinnamon." George asked.

I nodded and handed him the mug. He took a sip and nodded.

"With cinnamon." George said.

"Can I taste?" Fred asked.

I nodded again and George handed Fred the mug. He took a sip and nodded.

"The same." He said.

I got down two mugs and poured coffee in them and added cinnamon.
I handed them the mugs and they sipped their coffees.

The twins and I walked back upstairs to my room.

"Have you ever drank an energy drink before?" I asked the twins walking into my room.

"No." They said.

"I should try and sneak some Monsters and Rockstars in my suitcase." I said smirking.

"Wow. We basically all just woke up and she is already thinking of doing something sneaky." Fred said looking at George.

"That's our girl." George said.

"Clover!! Come down here!" My mum hollered.

"Coming!!" I yelled back.

We sat down our coffees and went downstairs.

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