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Kim came into the room with a bowl in her hand, "The others left, how is he at the moment?" "Well, he drank all the water... but I can't tell anything else," I said, sadly. I didn't know much about the flu, or about the cold. "That's fine," she placed down the soup, before checking up on Jimin. "Does your body ache, Jimin?" she asked, and he nodded. She looked over to me, "Okay, we need to help him sit up. Then you can feed him. I'll look around for some medicine." I nodded, and quickly stood up from the bed. Kim and I were moving Jimin so he could lean against the headboard. "I think he might just stay in bed for a long time, he'll be too weak to move. That means, we have to help him. Also, don't let him get up from the bed at anytime," she said. "What about bathing?" I asked, and she shrugged. "You could help him," she suggested, making me blush. "What, too scared? I mean, you've been with him for so long," she laughed at my flushed face. "S-So what? I've never seen him naked..." I quickly said. "Don't worry about that... I manage it myself," Jimin said with heavy breathing. "You heard him. Anyway, let that cool down," Kim pointed at the bowl of soup, "I'm going to find some type of medicine." I watched her leave the room. Then I looked over at Jimin with concern. He was sweating really badly, and his coughs were becoming more severe. He looked at me; I immediately started feeling horrible for not being able to properly take care of him. "If it wasn't for Kim, we would be at a lost," I thought before picking up the bowl and spoon. I started feeding Jimin the soup. All he did was stay quiet as he breathed heavily. It like if he was fighting to catch his breath. It eventually made me scared for him. "Maybe he needs more water," I thought. After a while, Kim walked into the room. "Okay, so I have medicine. I was able to find some cough drops," she quickly went over to Jimin and I.

~After a while~

Kim said Jimin needed a lot of rest, so I had to stay away from him until he wakes up. I sat in the living room, uneasily moving around. I was constantly getting worried about Jimin. After a while, my phone started going off. "Hello?" I asked. I answered the call without checking the caller ID, since I was too busy stressing over Jimin. "How's Jimin?" Taehyung asked. "Yeah, how is he?" Hoseok immediately jumped in. "I have no clue, it only seems like his conditions are worsening," I answered. "Put that on speaker," I heard a faint voice command on the other line. "Is everything going okay with Jimin?" Seokjin asked. "She said she has no clue," Taehyung answered for me, instead of making me repeat myself. "It's worsening!" Hoseok quickly said, making it dramatic. "That's expected, the flu normally worsens and then it dies down," Namjoon explained. "Really?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, it should. A flu isn't easy to deal with unless you're a doctor. It's normally the worst thing you could experience when you have it," Namjoon informed. "That's cruel," I mumbled. "Well a viral infection is a viral," Yoongi said since he heard my mumbling. "Where's Kim?" Taehyung asked. "I think she went somewhere," I answered. The others stayed quiet. "Really? She just left you to take care of Jimin?" Seokjin asked. "He's resting at the moment, so there's no need to worry about him at this time," I informed.

~After a few minutes~

"Y/N?" I heard from the stairway. I looked over to see Jimin standing near the stairs. I immediately went to Jimin. "What are you doing? Didn't you hear Kim? You shouldn't be moving," I said, quickly trying to push Jimin back into our bedroom. "Y/N..." he said, getting near me. I could feel his hot breath. "Ji-Jimin, please go back," I said. Before I knew it, he was leaning against me. It seemed like he just passed out, so I quickly tried holding him up. I could hear his heavy breathing. "Y/N, I ran out of water," Jimin said. "All of this for water?" I thought as I grabbed his arm, and threw it over my shoulders. Then I was carrying Jimin back to the bed- with some help from him, of course. Within a few seconds, Jimin was back in bed. I grabbed the cup to refill it. "Stay here, I'll be back," I instructed before glancing at him once more. Then I left. Once I was in the kitchen, I noticed a little note. When I was done refilling the cup, I went to see what it was. "Make Jimin soup when he wakes up (Soup instructions should be located near the oven). After Jimin is done eating, wait about ten minutes before letting him take a bath. Then get him prepared to sleep again," I read. I placed back the note, before heading back upstairs and gave Jimin the water. Afterwards, I headed back downstairs and back into the kitchen. As I looked around, I spotted a piece of paper exactly where it was supposed to be located. "Alright, time to make some soup," I thought as I read through everything.

~After a while~

When I was done making the soup, I allowed it to cool off before bringing it to Jimin. Soon I was back to feeding Jimin, he seemed to be gaining back strength. "I guess when I was cooking, he decided to rest since I didn't come back," I feed him the last spoonful. "Here," I said as I gave him a cough drop. Jimin grabbed the cough drop, and unwrapped it before popping it into his mouth. "Now... you need to take a bath," I mumbled. I got up from the bed and went over to Jimin's drawer. Then I pulled out some pajamas. "Can you stand on your own?" I asked, since it seemed he was doing fine that one time. He looked over to me, as if asking me for help through him sick and droopy eyes. I dropped his clothes off in the bathroom before heading over to him. "So... you can take off your own clothes, right?" I asked, not wanting to do any of that. "I-I think I'll be fine," Jimin replied with heavy breathing. "Okay good... I'll be outside the bathroom if you do need me," I informed. Then I remembered that I needed to start the bath for him. When the both of us were in the bathroom, I allowed Jimin to sit on the edge of the bathtub. I ran hot water, and started filling the bathtub. "Hot water helps, right?" I asked myself, thinking back to health class. If only I could call Kim and ask her, but she doesn't have a phone- that makes it difficult. But soon I was out of the bathroom and sitting on the bed, patiently waiting for Jimin.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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