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When the three of us finished helping my mom, we headed upstairs. Without a thought or a word, I headed straight for my room. I grabbed the doorknob before twisting it. When the door was open, I stepped into my old bedroom. Jimin followed behind, while Yoongi went to his room. "It's clean," Jimin pointed out, as he analyzed the room. I nodded before walking in and looking around. "Everything is where they were before I left," I could feel memories flooding in. The memories of when I would come home, beaten and bruised, and I'll stare at myself in the mirror. Then I'll hide under my blankets to cry, shutting out the real world. Then there were good memories, where I'm happily laying with Jimin. We'll both be talking and laughing, enjoying our company. Memories of when Yoongi, Jimin, and I would work of homework together. When Kim would come hang out with me, and we'll do ridiculous things. "It's nice to be back," I smiled, as I started looking through things. Then my eyes caught something colorful. "Look," I said, motioning Jimin over. He was quick to come to my side. "It's the poems I wrote for you," I remembered how he read them when I was busy doing homework. He was quick to snatch the papers from my hands. "Oh yeah, I remember these. I read them when you were busy doing homework. They were so cute," he reminded me of the past. I glared at him, "I specifically told you not to read them." He responded with a laugh. With the papers in hand, he turned. "I think I'll keep these," he said. I sat there, remembering all the cringey things I jotted down. Then I rammed into Jimin. Just like the past, Jimin and I stumbled to the floor. "I can't let you do that!" I quickly said, trying to take hold of the papers.

Jimin decided to tease me by moving the paper away as I made an attempt to snatch them back. As I leaned in closer and closer, Jimin pecked my lips. "Hey!" I quickly said, slapping his chest. "You're unfair," I said, feeling a tint of heat steam up on my cheeks. I glared at him, giving him my angry face. He pinched my cheeks, "You're so cute when you're angry." Then his eyes drew it's way to the papers secured in his (small) hands. "Why can't I kept these, babe?" he asked, as he turned his attention back to me. "Because is embarrassing!" I replied, as I puffed out my cheeks. "Everything I wrote down on there, is the younger me," I added. Jimin's lips curved into an entertained smile. "But I love the poems the younger you made, it makes me feel better about myself," he said. I stared at him; I forgot that Jimin was insecure. After all these years of being an idol, his insecurities has grown as the amount of eyes (that were watching him) grew as well. "Fine," I sighed in defeat. "If it makes you feel any better about yourself, then you can keep them," I stood up. Jimin smiled at his success, and stood up as well. "Thanks, babe. As always, you're the best," he kissed my forehead. "Let's go to Yoongi?" I suggested, and he was quick to agree.

Jimin and I were in Yoongi's room now. There on the ground were my two brothers. There were laughing as they played a game. "What were you two doing over there? I heard a loud thud," Yoongi asked, his attention completely glued to the screen. "Jimin and I tripped over one another," I answered. Then the game ended. "You're good at this game," Yoongi complimented, seeing that Joseph won against him. Joseph got shy and smiled, "Thanks." Yoongi stood up, "The others are planning to come." I stared at him with confusion, "Really? I thought you said that they were busy." "They are, and currently still are at the moment, but they decided that they wanted to come and visit our family. Since they, as a group, haven't seen our family members in a long time," he explained. "Ah..." I slowly nodded. "But that means we have to go grocery shopping," he added. "Didn't your mom already go grocery shopping?" Jimin asked. Yoongi nodded, "We need more food, since they'll be more than six people. We'll be feeding twelve people." I nodded. "Then let's go?" before anyone could answer, Joseph interrupted. "Can I come along?" he asked while tugging at my sleeve. "Of course," I smiled, making him smile brightly. Soon he went zooming out of Yoongi's room, and into his room. Yoongi quickly went to turn off the game. "We'll be downstairs," I informed, before Jimin and I headed down the stairs. "Mom," I said, heading towards the kitchen. "Yes?" my mom asked, turning her attention to me. "The others are going to come over. I wanted to know what we're making for dinner, so I can get the ingredients," I said.

"My, my, all of them are coming?" my mom asked, and I nodded. She started patting her cheek with her hand, thinking of a dish. "Maybe we can just have hamburgers," she suggested. "And tacos!" I heard my dad shout from the other room. "Hamburgers and tacos," she agreed. I nodded, "Do you want to write down the ingredients you need?" She nodded before grabbing out a paper and pen. After a while, she was done writing down what to buy. "Get some drinks as well. I'm sure you know your friends well enough to know what they like to drink," she said, and I nodded. "Can we have beer?" Jimin asked. "Of course not. I don't need a drunk Jimin being presented in front of my parents," I said, looking at the ingredient list. "Plus, you're ten times emotional when you're drunk," I added. He laughed, "I guess it's for the better then." I nodded, "Definitely for the better." Yoongi was in the living room with my dad. Joseph just went downstairs. "Let's get going?" I asked, and they nodded. "We'll be back soon," Yoongi informed, as he got up from the couch. We waved to my parents, and went out the door one by one. Then we were in the car. Joseph was happily chatting with me, while Jimin and Yoongi were stuck with one another. "There's this girl who confessed to me," Joseph said, kicking his tiny feet. I swore they were so tiny yesterday, but now he's growing faster than I had anticipated. "Really, what'd you do?" Yoongi asked, looking at Joseph. "I told her that just because her twentieth boyfriend broke up with her, she didn't need to go seeking for a new one every week," Joseph responded. Yoongi, Jimin, and I laughed at his response.

I hoped you enjoyed!

You're Mine (Jimin x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن