Down With a Cold

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~Two months later~

I opened my eyes, and I felt absolutely disgusting. By that, I meant that I was really sweaty. When I was sitting up, my entire body screamed at me to stop. As I turned my neck to look at the time, my neck ached. It was only two in the morning. My head start throbbing as well, and I started sweating. I decided to go wash my face, maybe I just woke from a nightmare... that I couldn't recall. When I stood up, a sudden weight was thrown on me. I started to feel lightheaded. Then I started struggling to make my way to the bathroom. When I made it there, I closed the door behind me. Then I turn on the lights. I splashed water on my face about ten men times. After I dried my face, I opened the door. The light shined into the room. I saw Jimin, he was sitting up. He was scratching the back of his head, and his eyes were still closed. Then he looked over to me, and opened his tired eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked. "It's nothing, I was just really sweaty. Maybe I'm hot or something," I answered. He nodded, and patted the empty spot next to him- the place where I should be sleeping. I went over to the bed, still heavy. When I made it to the bed, I laid down. I left the blanket off at first, but then it was suddenly cold. Then I wrapped myself up.


"Babe~," I heard. I pushed it aside because I felt completely exhausted. "Babe~," I felt shaking so I rolled away. "Babe, you're hogging the blanket," Jimin said. I slowly opened my eyes, my body was aching ten times than normal. It was true, the blanket was wrapped around my body. "I'm sorry..." I said. "It's okay, it's already time for me to get up," he replied. Then he stared at me. "It seems to me that you're not okay. You're sweating like crazy," he said. He was also right about that. I felt like I was sweating more than usual. Then he felt my head. "Babe, your heating up!" he shouted. Then he ran into the bathroom, nearly tripping. Just then Namjoon walked in. "Is everything okay? I heard shouting," he walked in. Then Kim followed behind. "Babe, I told you to stay in bed!" he turned back around to stop her. "I heard shouting," she pushed him aside, "Something about a high fever." She walked over to me. Then Jimin rushed out of the bathroom, and nearly knocked Kim over. "Oh good, you're here. She's heating up!" he frantically pointed at me. Namjoon went over to me and touched my head. "H*** s***, she is," he said. Then Kim went to me. She placed her hand on my forehead. "How do you have such a high fever," she started touching every inch of my face. "I'm sick?" I asked. I mean, I can assume that. My body isn't in the greatest condition at the moment. "I don't know..." I said. I lied, I do know. Since I know I don't work as hard, I stressed myself just so I can keep up with their hard work.

"Well, it's not like you have a job to get to. I'll call my work, and tell them that I can't make it," Kim said. "Wait, won't that reduce the amount of money you make...?" I asked, it was sort of hard to ask that. My throat was really dry. "Don't you have to inform them a month earlier so they can plan ahead?" I asked. "I'll be fine. I can tell them that I'm doing my job at home because someone in the household is sick. Plus, I happen to choose a shift that has a lot of workers," she assured. I felt bad that I had to hold her back from work, but I was okay with it. If I was alone, I can't accomplish anything. I felt both guilty and relieved. Kim left the room. Namjoon and Jimin stood around the bed. "You should probably get ready, we have a job to go to in a few minutes," Namjoon reminded Jimin. He seemed too worried for me. "But, my wife is sick. How am I supposed to go to work when I know she's in this condition?" he asked. "I know you're worried, anyone would be. But Kim will stay home to watch over her, so you can leave it to her," Namjoon assured. "I want you to go to work, darling," I said in an unclear voice. Jimin looked at me with an unsure expression. In the end, he left the house after checking up on me. He didn't even leave the house yet, but he kept checking on me.

Kim was wearing a mask. She was carrying a bucket of water over to the bed. "They were finally able to get him to leave. Although it took some time, they got him out of the house. Let's just hope that he doesn't come running back," she said. She took out a small cloth from the bucket. Then she squeezed out any excessive water before putting it on my forehead. A while ago, she found some type of medicine that matched my symptoms. I took that, and she told me to lay in bed so I can get some rest. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get sick," I apologized through some heavy breathing. I was pretty sure my sickness was getting worse. "It's fine," she assured. "Now close your eyes, and go to sleep," she struggled to find my eyes with her hand. But when she found them, she tried closing them. "Okay," I closed them for her. Within a few seconds, Kim played some music for me, I fell asleep.


I was peacefully resting; I didn't remember anything that happened after Kim told me to rest. It was like I took ten shots of some type of alcohol. But the sound of the door slamming open, was enough to wake me up (or anyone in general). I opened my eyes just on time to see Jimin rushing over to the bed. He dropped nearly everything at the door. "Babe, are you okay?" he started feeling my head. He seemed kind of relieved, "You're still burning up but it's better." The last thing I remembered, before I fell back asleep, was Yoongi entering my room. I'm pretty sure he complained about the stuff Jimin dropped. Then he grabbed Jimin, and, of course, Jimin fought back. The other members rushed in and held Jimin off, like some type of wild animal. They took him out, and Yoongi said something to me but I was too tired to comprehend what he said.

"Get better soon."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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