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A tall and lean man in his late fifties walks into his study just to find the electricity of the house to be gone. Sighing to himself and blaming the rain for the sudden black-out, he called upon his servant.

"Ramlal! Ramlal! Check the fuse, quick!"

"Right away, Sir"

The man then took his phone out to turn the on the flashlight. By then, his eyes had already adjusted to the darkness and the single ray of light originating from his phone.

"I wonder where she kept it..." he murmured to himself while walking towards his table.

There was a box on his table with a card attached on it. Smiling to himself upon finding it, he rushed to the table and quickly pulled the card out to read it.

Happiest Birthday to the best Dad in the world! I've made these lovely cupcakes especially for you with diabetic-friendly sugar. Since, it's your day today, I'll give you an exception, just do today. You can gobble them all up and also have a little drink. But tomorrow, we're back to being strict again, okay? Love you Papsy! Happy birthday again, birthday boy!

Much love,
Your Princess ;)

As if his princess had known that her Papsy had found her gift, she had called him.

"Hey Princess"

"Happy Birthday Papsy! Sorry that I couldn't be with you there"

"Thank you so much, Princess. And it's okay that you're not here. Listen, are you at a safe place? The rain doesn't seem to stop any time soon. Is the place you're at right now safe enough for staying the night? There are people with you, right?"

"Papsy, relax. Take a deep breath. Now listen and don't ask non-stop yet again. I'm at a friend's house. Her whole family is here. They're looking after me as if I'm their own child. And even they are insisting me to stay over for the night. So, shall I stay here?"

"If it's safe, according to your seventh sense, then it's fine with me. Take care Princess. And yes, can't you do a little more exception for your old Papsy?"

"What more exception do you want Papsy?"

"Some sweet tooth satisfaction for the whole week, this time around, instead of just one day? Can you, please?"

"Nothing doing! I'm keeping the phone now. Bubye! And you birthday boy, go hit the bed. It's past midnight now! Go, go, go!"

"You know what Princess? You behave more like my mother than my daughter. Always instructing me to go here, go there, do this, do that, eat this and don't touch them! Why are you so bossy, Princess?"

"There's only one way to escape your bossy Princess. Find her a Prince!"

"I've found one... just matter of time..." He thought to himself as he listened to his daughter's banter going on and on.

"I think I better hang up now. Good night Papsy!"

"Good night Princess!"

After wishing his princess, he turned around only to find himself being held on a gunpoint.


The man who was just laughing as he spoke to his daughter was no longer there. His echoing laughter in the study was now replaced with a pin drop silent, and was broken with a thud. When the man fell on his back, on the floor, defenceless, lifeless.

Here it is. The premise, the murder... So, what you guys think?

Who is the one who got murdered?

Who's the Princess?

Does she has anything to do with this murder?

Keep guessing ;)

Amidst The Chase - A Shivika SSWhere stories live. Discover now