The Surprise:

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Hey guys! Look I am so sorry that I have not updated in a really long time. The reason is that I have had a lot of homework and assignments to do. The other reason is that I have a lot of drama on my hands, so it is very difficult to write. Here is an extra long chapter for you amazing people! Oh and thanks for reading my book! 2 900 reads! My mind is blown!

An extra long chapter!



Skye and I were walking through the village on our way to Bucket and Mulch's farm for some fresh yak-milk.

"Astrid, I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me," Skye said whilst looking at the floor.

"It's okay Skye, I don't mind. I'm actually happy that I get to be your legal guardian now!" I said as I looked at her.

"I am too! My parents never really cared about me. They were always off somewhere, while I had to stay on the boat!" she said as she flopped onto a bench.

"Oh, I didn't know that! If you had told me, I would have fetched you!" I joined her on the bench.

"If I knew that, I would have told you the first island we stopped on!" Skye yelled frustratedly as she burst into tears.

"It's okay, you are here now and that is all that counts!" I said trying to comfort her.

"Hey, how you two doing?" Hiccup said as he approached us.

"I'm fine!" Skye snapped, "sorry, Hiccup, I'm just going to go to Bucket and Mulch."

I was about to tell her to come back when Hiccup interrupted me.

"Don't do it!"

"Do what?"

"Call her back! Skye just needs her space. It's the 13th of February! She's got the letter on the 10th! She needs her space Astrid." Hiccup said.

"You are right. Wait, WHAT?" I yelled, "it's the 13th?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Hiccup asked me confused.

"Skye's birthday was on the 10th Hiccup! The letter was a birthday present from her parents!"

"Well, that's a lousy present!" Hiccup said.

"I missed her birthday! Hiccup, I missed Skye's 13th birthday!"

Hiccup's face dropped.

"So did I! What are we going to do!" Hiccup said as he flung himself off of the bench.

"I have an idea, but you need to keep her busy!"


Later that day:


I was walking around Berk when Hiccup came up to me.

"Hey Skye, I was wondering if you would like to go flying?"

"I don't know if I am up for it, sorry Hiccup."

"Then why don't we do something, I mean to catch up on all those years?"

"Alright, I should probably go tell Astrid."

"Wait, it was actually her idea!"

"Oh, well then lets go!"

Hiccup and I went to a cliff by Raven's Point and sat talking for hours. All of a sudden I saw a terrible terror coming towards us with a note tied around its left hind leg. I took off the note and started to read it:

Dear Skye

I need you to meet me in the Great Hall in ten minutes. 

Make sure that Hiccup comes with.


Hiccup and I set off for the Great Hall. What is it that Astrid needs to meet with me in the Great Hall that can't wait till I get home?

After ten minutes:

We finally got to the Great Hall. I looked at Hiccup as he opens the heavy, wooden doors. When I got inside, the hall was completely dark with just the light coming from the setting sun creeping in through the doors.

"Surprise!" Vikings yell as they come out of their hiding spots and the torches are lit.

"Happy Birthday Skye!" Astrid said as she made her way over to me.

"Wow, thank you so much Astrid, I love it!" I said as I hugged my amazing cousin, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Here's your gift," she gave me a blue box.

As I opened it, I saw notebooks, pencils, art supplies and right at the bottom was something that meant the most. It was a picture of Astrid and I laughing in the cove when I first arrived three days ago. There was a wooden frame decorated with the different dragons on Berk. I ran my fingers across the smooth wood and indentations. There was a Deadly Nadder on the right hand corner at the top that looked like Blue-Spike.

"I love it, thank you," I said still trying to take in everything.

"You should thank Astrid, she put the whole party together, the gifts and she made the frame herself!" a very proud Hiccup said as he snaked a arm around Astrid's waist and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Astrid, you are amazing!"

"Well the vilagers did help me with the party," Astrid replied shyly.

"Well are we going to just stand around or are we going to party?" Snotlout moaned.

"Let's party!" I yelled as I pulled Astrid towards the dance floor.

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