Chapter 17:

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Hiccup's POV:

I was getting ready for the wedding. Luckily the decorations and preperations were done and we just had to set them up. I still couldn't believe that Astrid would be mine at long last! I was wearing the traditional marriage cloak and my nicest clothes. I checked my sundial (which had been fixed) and it was...five minutes till the wedding! Oh no I'm late! 

"Toothless come on!" I yelled as I raced towards the door. When I got out, I jumped onto Toothless and we raced to the cove which is where the wedding is. When we arrived, everyone was already seated.

"Sorry, lost track of time," I apologised.

Gobber's band started to play as Skye walked through an arch, that was made to hide Astrid, throwing petals on the floor. My mom was next, then Ruffnut and then Gobber walked in with Astrid holding his arm. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a green dress that reached the floor with leather wrist gaurds and leather where it wraps around her waist. On the bottom on the dress was a brown hem and brown boots. She had her hair in her normal side braid. She looked amazing! She had the biggest smile on her face and I saw happiness flood her beautiful, blue eyes.

She walked down the aisle of people and let go of Gobber's arm before walking up to me. I held her hands and gave them a slight squeeze. I knew she wouldn't be able to stand alone for long so the speech was summarized.

"We are here to bring these lovers together in holy matromony, if anyone has an objection then will you please speak now or forever hold your peace," Gobber anounced. Gobber was also the person marrying us.

"I do!" everyone gasped. Spear! 

"That woman should not be able to marry a fishbone or anyone for that fact if I have chosen her to be my wife!" Spear yelled.

"Spear, we've been over this! Astrid and I are engaged and you can't decide that either!" I yelled back.

"Look at that, Astrid looks so hot in her wedding clothes, they are meant for me you fishbone!" he said with lust in his eyes.

"My bride is no commodity or toy for you Spear! She is an amazing and wonderful woman who should decide her fate not you!" I shouted with as much masculinity as I could muster, whilst protectively stepping in front of Astrid.

"Well then lets ask her!" 

"Fine!" I turned to Astrid, "Astrid, who do you want to marry?"

"You of course!"

"There you have it Hiccup! She said me!"

"No I didn't! I'm talking to Hiccup not you you mutton-head!" Astrid yelled.

"There it is Spear, Astrid is MY bride and you can just sit back down!" I shouted aggresively.

"Okay, lets continue!" Gobber said.

~~~Ten minutes later~~~

We were saying the 'I do's' when Astrid started swaying. As she was about to fall, I caught her and wrapped my arms around her.

"By the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" Gobber said finally. I leaned down and kissed my new wife. Everyone cheered except for Spear. We broke away and I smiled at her.

"I love you!" I said.

"I love you too!" she said.


Hey guys!

Sorry it took so long for me to update! I have been preparing for my Grade 7 End of Year Function. 

Exams are over, YAY!

I hope you guys liked the wedding! 
Do you know what Hiccup's going to do with the Alsos flower? I do!

Peace out 


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