Chapter 14:

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It's been two days since Astrid was stung. She is so cautious of everything...even me! I hate seeing her like this. I haven't put any pressure on her though when it cones to our relationship. I really love her and I don't want her to get hurt or be pushed away because I pushed too hard.

We were walking in the forest and I could see that she was intrigued by all the marks in the trees.

"You know, you actually made those marks. Well, with the help of your axe of course!" I chuckled.

"I did?" she asked inquisitively.

"Yeah, you would be out here for hours!"


We walked until we got to the cove.

"You want to swim?"

"I don't remember how," she stated nervously.

"I'll teach you!"


We quickly got undressed into our underwear and I jumped into the lake yelling at the topping of my lungs.

"Come in Astrid!"

"I...I...don't think it's a good idea!"

"You used to swim in here for hours!"

I got out of the water and walked towards her. I raised my hand for her to take it. She accepted and I walked her over to the water. I carefully got in and helped her in gently. She squirmed at first but then started swimming like it was nothing.

"The water is amazing!" she yelled.

She swam towards me and started to laugh. We then stared into each others eyes and everything around us melted away. I pulled her closer until her skin touched mine. I leaned in and so did she. The centimetres becoming millimetres and then...our lips touched. Astrid seemed to be enjoying it as she started to run her fingers through my air with her other hand around my neck.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes until our lungs yelled for oxygen. I stared into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Hiccup...I re..." she started.

Suddenly she collapsed and I dragged her to shore. I called Toothless who had followed us and we flew to Gothi.

What happened to my angel?

Hey guys

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm writing this at half past eleven at night and I am half asleep!

I will not be updating for three weeks because exams are starting soon.

If I get a chance I will update!

Peace out

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