Chapter 18:

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Hiccup's POV:

Everyone sat down at their tables and started to talk away. I led Astrid towards our table. Once there, I helped her onto the chair. 

"I have a wedding gift for you even though I know we weren't going to do that!" I said.

"Hiccup, if we said we weren't going to do that then why did you get me one?" she asked.

"Just give me a second and wait here!" I ran to Toothless and grabbed the satchel containing her gift. I dashed back again and handed her the satchel.

"Hiccup what is this?" she asked when she saw the bottle.

"It's a special gift that you have to drink instead of the mead," I replied.

"Okay but why?" she asked, confused.

"Just drink it and you'll see!"

She shrugged it off and poured the contents into her cup. She closed the bottle and started to drink it.

"Hiccup what is this?"

"'s actually the very thing that will save you," I enthused.

"Wait, my wedding gift is a tea that saves me from that damn Alsos sting?"

"Basically," I answered nervously.

"Oh, Hiccup that is so sweet and lucky you I feel stronger and can do this!" she said as she punched my arm.

"There's my beautiful bride!" I said, wrapping my arm around her.

"Thank you Hiccup, I love you!" 


Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile! I have been relaxing since it's holidays.
So jealous of my friend because he is in Mauritius for the holiday!

High School starts, yay! Note my sarcastic demeanor!

Peace out 

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