chapter ten

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The next day, Elise, Rhyme, and Brayden had cereal for breakfast. Elise had oatmeal, Rhyme ate lucky charms, and Brayden played with his Cheerios.

"What do you want to do today? I don't have to have you back until three o'clock," Ms. Kelly said.

Rhyme shrugged.

"Juice?" Brayden asked.

"Sure. I can't believe you already drank that whole cup!" Elise motioned to Brayden's sippy cup that once contained apple juice.

Brayden giggled, which made Rhyme smile a little.

Rhyme began to actually think about where she wanted to go today. She thought about places she'd never been to.

"Maybe the mall?" Rhyme suggested.

"Ooh, that would be fun! Have you ever been?" Ms. Kelly placed Brayden's filled sippy cup on his tray.

Rhyme shook her head.

"We have to go then! There's a different mall closer to me, but it's not the one that's in your city," Elise said.

"That's fine," Rhyme shrugged.

"Great! I see that you're finished eating, so why don't you go get dressed? I'll get your dishes," Elise stood up.

Rhyme nodded and headed to the guest room.

She looked through her backpack and dressed in grey leggings and a light purple shirt. She brushed her hair and put it in a ponytail, then brushed her teeth and washed her face. She put on socks and sneakers.

Rhyme met Elise and Brayden downstairs.

"Can you please get the stroller from that closet?" Elise pointed to one near the front door. "I'm going to go buckle Brayden into his car seat."

Rhyme picked up the small stroller and brought it out to the car.

"Thanks, Rhy," Ms. Kelly smiled, putting the stroller in the trunk.

"Rhy?" Rhyme asked.

"I guess it's a nickname I kind of came up with," she shrugged.

Rhyme sat in the backseat and buckled her seatbelt. She stared out the window. It was a pretty cloudy day, but it didn't look as if it would rain soon.

Within ten minutes, they reached a huge mall. Rhyme couldn't help but stare at it. She had never seen anything this big up close.

Ms. Kelly parked in a spot for electric cars. She took Brayden out and sat him in the stroller.

She locked the car and plugged it in to charge, then the three headed inside.

Rhyme couldn't believe how many stores were inside when they stopped at the directory.

"See any places you want to go yet?" Ms. Kelly asked.

Rhyme shook her head.

"Well, let's head to Macy's. If you see a store you like on the way there, we can stop," Elise said.

While walking down the center of the mall, Rhyme noticed a Sketchers store.

"Can we go there?" Rhyme asked.

Ms. Kelly nodded.

When entering the store, Rhyme noticed a pair of Twinkle Toes near the back. They were silver with pink lights, white soles, and green laces.

"Do you like those?" Ms. Kelly asked.

Rhyme nodded.

Elise asked an employee to measure Rhyme's foot. Once finding her shoe size, they found a pair of the sneakers for her to try on.

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