00. I Have To Protect You

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       "Shiro," [y/n] spoke over the blaring emptiness of Kurbors. She brought a thickly covered hand to point to the sky. "Do you see that?" In the distance, a strange purple cloud was hovering in the planet's atmosphere.

        The group of bundled up astronauts each looked upwards through the haze of strikingly cold winds. Two of the Holts were bent over a hole drilled into the ice, and Shiro was standing opposite of her, searching for anything of interest.

       "Don't worry too much about that," The older Holt spoke calmly, looking back to his work. "Keep an eye in it though," she nodded, even though he couldn't see her.

       As the father-son duo inspected the ice sample from the ground, she sat cross legged beside Matt, the younger one. He was her closest friend on this mission- he said she reminded him of his sister.

       As the team did their work, [y/n] did her job— keeping watch. The reason she was on the mission was to be a huntress. Hunting was a natural skill she had, and she was here to make sure that nothing could harm the scientists.

      Another aspect of her job was to find anything  to eat if the worst were to happen. Even though no life was found on Kurburos, it wasn't a certain fact.

       [y/n] took her attention away from the purple cloud and began drawing circles it the snow with her mitten. A tiny smirk made its way to her chilled lips as the lines took the form of a deer.

      She liked dear a lot, they were her favorite—

      "Guys!" Matt's panic stricken voice  broke the quiet calmness that floated between the group. Panicked, she snapped her gaze over in his direction. The purple cloud was closer, right above them. Layers of dark metal and glowing purple highlights the bottom the the cloud.

      But now that it was overhead, she saw it wasn't a cloud. It seemed like a ship. "Holy..." her words caught in her throat. What should I do? There were multiple ships hovering there, and there were more than likely way more creatures than she could even dream to handle.

       In a split second these thoughts flashed across her mind. All the while, the team didn't know what to do. "Run. Go- I'll hold them off." She shouted, launching to her feet. As she stood she stripped her sniper from its place on her back. [y/n] took a breath, fighting to calm herself.

       "Like hell we're leaving you!" Matt screamed over the panic and blood raging through [y/n]'s ears. Fire ignited in her eyes as she whipped around to glare at him. "This is my job, Matt. You stay— we all die, and not just me."


      "Matt please!"

      Shiro grabbed onto his arm. "She's right." He nodded to her and dragged Matt away. But before anything could happen a bright light encased her body. For a moment she was blind, trying to catch a glimpse of her friends. They weren't there.

       She felt like she was floating in the world of white. Terror coursed through her as she could no longer feel the ground under her feet, she was just there. Was this even real? 

      As the light settled in her eyes, something pricked her neck. Within seconds drowsiness spread through your body, crashing heavily in waves. They dragged her down into unconsciousness.

      [y/n] opened her eyes as two furry hands grabbing onto her shoulders. Blinking to clear the blurriness from her vision, she could make out the shapes of purple creatures. A few seconds later she saw her friends, her partners. 

       Jerking in the grasp of the hands, she reached out for them, they were close. The other three males were already awake and fighting the restraints of the creatures. Taking a breath, [y/n] tried to reason with what was going on. 

       The boys were awake earlier then her, so whatever knocked them out would work more on her then them. Maybe it had to do with size, just like the anesthetics on earth. The best action would be to avoid that at all costs. 

        Matt looked away from the creature that he was pushing away from and saw her. "[y/n], don't panic. It'll be fine." He yelled across the room. Making another attempt to get to her team, [y/n] struggled. The creature holding her was strong, however, and she was starting to feel drowsy again. 

        I should've protected them, She though, I only had to keep them safe. Why can't I do anything?  The creature dragged her roughly as she saw a futuristic gun slam into Shiro's head. It knocked him out cold. She attempted to call for him, but she passed out too soon. 

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