03. Goodbyes Are Hard, Hellos Are Harder.

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Saying goodbye to Balto was awful for her, but [y/n] had to leave at some point. They were understanding, knowing that [y/n] wanted to be with her own kind. Not only that, but she'd be aiding the defenders of the universe. This was important.

Balto cried tears of purple, [y/n] tears of blue as they parted from a hug. It wasn't something the Aliens had ever known, and it was a strange foreign feeling. Balto never liked it, but felt the need to embrace his friend when she left.

It was a surprise and [y/n] burst into tears as she waved goodbye. Each of the members of the village waved back as the mouth of the blue lion closed.

[y/n] felt a hand on her shoulder- Lance the blue paladin. Originally he had been quite flirty with her, but now he wore a very sympathetic expression. "Don't forget, you'll see them again."

"I know," she whispered, whipping tears from her eyes with a forced smile. "It's like a second time leaving my family is all."

Lance's heart broke. His family was everything to him and he knew just how painful it was to leave someone you love. He hugged her, pulling away quickly. "We should hurry up. Don't want the others to think we're doing something, you know..."

[y/n] gasped in mock horror. She shoved him playfully, a devilish grin making its way to her lips. Little do you know Lance.

It was a short ride to the Castle, where [y/n] was told two Alteans would be waiting for her. Apparently, they also help out the team and were plenty excited to see her.

[y/n] watched with awe as the stars pasted by like a flurry of fireflies. She watched from the cockpit as the blue lion flew beside the rest. Lance smirked at her, gesturing to his lap, "You know, you can sit down if you want."

She laughed and rolled her eyes. The voice of shoot rang loudly through the lion, chastising him. [y/n] stood beside Lances chair, leaning on the top of it for the rest of the ride.

The five lions flew into a hangar of a large ship that looked like a castle. Lance stood up as the lion powered down and lead her down and out the mouth. There, everyone was waiting to greet her.

Among them were to new faces. An older man with orange facial hair whom she'd been told was Coran and the princess, Allura.

And oh god when [y/n] saw her she was awe-struck. The princess was stunning, beautiful. The girl could feel a twinge if something in her heart. But first, she wanted to get close to Allura to see if her personality was as alluring as her looks.

It surely would, right?

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