4. Ignore It

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"You must be [y/n]? I've heard a lot about you." Allura greeted the teen with a smile. "Shiro's been set on finding you and the rest of the team."

         The girl gave a sheepish grin, "Oh? Well I made it out alright, but uh... you guys haven't seen the Holts?" [y/n] glanced around her, watching the faces of the paladins. "I mean, clues or anything?"

       Pidge shook her head sadly. "When's the last time you saw them?" She questioned. [y/n] hesitated, slowly a frown made its way to her face.

      When did I last see them? I...

      "They're useless. Primitive technology— they're worth nothing to us." A deep voice caused [y/n] to open her eyes in a panic. She couldn't bring her body to move- only to listen.

       "Well, sir, it seems that they have regeneration abilities so if we introduce it to DNA with natural quintessence there's a possibility it will regenerate." A weaker voice this time, slightly cowardly.

         "Fine," the deep voice dismissed. "Take the smallest one so it won't fight back." [y/n] pried her eyes open. She was being held over a creature's shoulder. She could see Matt unconscious and bleeding from his head.

       "The last time I saw him was when we were separated. They took me away and he was with Shiro and Mr.Holt. It was when we first hit there." [y/n] spoke with an air of fear, and light haziness. "I'm sorry I couldn't help more."

      Allura approached and out a hand onto [y/n]'s shoulder. "It's alright. Any information it helpful. I know it must be hard with what you went through," Her eyes were round with sympathy. Pity. How could [y/n] accept that from someone as lovely as Allura? 

      "I don't think about it much," [y/n] shrugged awkwardly. "I kind of just ignore it." Allura tilted her head slightly. "That doesn't sound like the best approach, I don't know if it's different for humans..." 

       "Don't worry about it." [y/n] smiled. "Anyway, no I have no clue where they are." The rest pf the group were looking concerned, [y/n] broke the tension with a joke. "How about a tour of this giant castle?" 

      Pidge looked away, but Lance swept in within seconds. "I can show you around," He smirked. "I don't think so," Shrio said. "I'm sure Allura knows more about the castle then you do." Lance frowned, shrinking back. "We've been here long enough!" 

      Allura gently turned [y/n] towards her. "I can take you around if you'd like. They should go train anyway."

     "Yeah, that'd be nice." 

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