Androids Can't Comprehend Mirrors - Elijah Kamski

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A/n: I know, this is me getting inspiration from a lil cute comic I found about 900Gavin, basically 900 sees himself in the mirror, goes to introduce himself then walks into the mirror. I'll write one about Gavin next then peoples.

But yeah this is set after the android revolution, let's say that the chloes were deviant and most of them left and everyone is a deviant.

¦Let's Start¦

\Narrators Pov\

     The day was calm, and night had begun to set in, the sky began its gentle cascade from a deep golden red to a crow like halcyon black, and ever so slowly lights began to flick on in the city, and yet it would only be mere hours before they flickered off again. The deviant stood at the window watching out upon this ceremonious occasion, his hands fidgeting with a small ring that sat upon his third finger. A human stood beside him, a fine glass filled with a brand of expensive alcohol within his grasp, watching the same scene play out as it did every night.

"Come, m/n, it is late, we need to sleep."

"You are the only one who needs to sleep, Elijah,"

"Hm, yeah well you need to recharge,"
     Strolling quickly to the shared room between the two, they continued down the short hallway lined with paintings and whatnot. A decent sized, full body mirror stood just by the door to the bathroom, it was recently moved so it was placed on a corner, facing the rest of the hallway.
     The pair kept on walking, creating small talk as they went, but both were stopped by the mirror in the hall. M/n had his full attention focused on it, like a scared, protective dog. Elijah stopped walking a few paces in front of him, turning to see what the fuss was about, only to find the android start to walk towards the mirror, and begin introducing himself.

"Hello, My name is m/m, I a-," He was cut short when he full on smacked his head into the mirror, stumbling back and glaring at it. Kamski, who had watched the whole thing play out, tried to resist the urge to chuckle at him, finding the whole situation funny.

" Elijah, who is that? And why does he look like me?"

"That's your reflection, M/n, he looks like you because he is you."     

     The human began to chuckle to himself, quietly of course, and watch the poor confused Android try to figure out the mysterious mirror.

"If you can't handle mirrors, M/n, then i don't know what you'll think of cameras,"

|The End|

A/n: maybe I'll do another one of these

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