Dumb Tincan - Gavin

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{Let's Start}

((Narrators Pov))

      Stumbling into the department, the new prototype Android was ungracefully following the Captain, Captain Jeffrey Fowler, to his office. It was the poor boys first day on the job, and it was, in retrospect, one of his first days alive so to speak, so his gangly legs and hard-to-control movements were accounted for.
     The Android followed the Captain to his glass walled office, which overlooked the rest of the workplace, that surprisingly was nearly empty save some early birds, of those included Gavin Reed. M/n's new partner, or should that be the other way round.
"Stay here, Android."

"Yes sir,"

     The male took in the room as he stood in front of the desk, looking over the officers photo frames and sloppy job at singing documents.
      The Android knew that his wiring was laced with faults, and that's why he knew that he didn't have to necessarily obey humans to their every command, there was no wall blocking him from disobedience, and even if there was he'd just have to break through it.   
      Because he was only a prototype for his next model, m/n would be staying at the department for a five month trial to see if his assistance helped any, and if it did, he'd be taken back to Cyberlife and replaced with a more skilled, better made Android. It had taken them just over a month and a half to fully create and finish building the Android, but because of their tight schedule a lot of things went wrong, like his bad wiring, or he fact that one of his ears didn't pick up sound.
       The Captain returned a minute or so after he left, but this time with a slumped over figure behind him, dressed in an oversized hoodie and smart trousers. The figure straightened his posture the second he saw the Android stood there, and had already figured that he was there to do what Anderson's Android did, assist and annoy.
      Reed was already a temperamental and pissed off man most of the time and giving him an Android as an assistant would just further that, considering how much he hated them. Turning to the Captain, Gavin opened his mouth ready to complain already.

"I'm not working with a piece of fucking plastic as a partner, Cap-"

"No, no I am not having this again, you've been assigned an Android, you deal with it, if you can't then I guess I'll just have to add another report to your file, which, might I add is starting to look a whole lot like Anderson's! Now get out of my office."

     Grumbling and swearing under his breath, Reed left the room, slamming the door shut on his way out, cautiously, the Android followed behind him narrowly missing a whack in the face by a door. The Android followed the detective to his desk, that was messily covered in old coffee cups and such. Gavin slumped down upon the spin chair, and started up his computer, still grumbling to himself.

"Go get me a coffee, dipshit,"

|Software Instability ^|

"Considering how much coffee you have already had today, and your faulty sleeping patterns due to overstimulation that can be caused by higher than usual consumptions of caffeine, no, I won't go get you a coffee, Dipshit."

     Most of the people in the vicinity were already listening in on the little conversation between the two men, though not expecting much from it, as they thought it'd be just your everyday complying Android, but as the sickening sound of the wheels of a chair scrapping across the smooth floor and a screech of metal and plastic collapsing in on itself, every head turned to the scene unfolding.

"I said-"

"Go get yourself a fucken' coffee,"

"I'll rip you apart dumb tincan, now obey."

"Who said I wanted to, Dipshit?"

"You're really starting to like that word aren't ya', now go get me a coffee before they have to send you back to Cyberlife for repairs on your first day of work."

     Growling and straightening himself up to stand tall again, despite being shorter than more than most of the humans in the room, m/n strode off towards the break room, snatched up a paper cup and filled it with water and took coffee beans from a packet left open on the side. Contemplating what he should do next, m/n took a moment to figure out what would happen if he did proceed with what he had planned, but he didn't actually care, so without missing a beat he dropped a handful of coffee beans into a cup of cold water and sugar. The perfect coffee.
      Returning to the humans' desk, the EL600 model placed the cup of 'coffee' on the edge of it, then took off to the safety of the upper floor, where he could talk to some other Androids or hide, if need be. About five minutes had gone by of just m/n interacting with other Androids, them being cleaners, and learning about how to and how not to act around humans, before rapid footsteps alerted them of another presence, specifically Gavin Reed's presence.

"Do you think you're funny, do you think you're fucking funny, do you think this is funny!?" The detective exclaimed, tipping a half filled cup of cold sugary water and coffee beans onto the ground.

"No, I am a machine, incapable of comprehending emotions, would you like another coffee, maybe heated this time?"

"Don't get smart with me tincan, clean this up it's your mess, get downstairs in five minutes, we have a case."

     Nodding in understanding, the male turned to the cleaning Androids, and took some supplies from them to get rid of the mess of wet cardboard on the floor. As he finished he rushed down the stairs, trying to keep his cool, and saw the detective by his desk, wandering over to him for his next instructions.

"Huh, seems the plastic prick can listen, come on dick-bag let's get in the car I've got a job to do, and now I'm lumped with you."

[To Be Continued]

A/n: idk how I feel about this one.
I will continue it even if I aint happy with it right now lol see ya next time guys.

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