Android - Rk900

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     The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg drifted through the air, setting the aroma of the house to a dark, Christmas-y feel. The light had long since faded into darkness amidst a yellow-pink sky and left clouds of grey against a dark blue. The trees stood as shadows outside and reflected the shine of the moon off of their leaves. A single, orange glowing light was left on inside the front room, lighting up the lonesome house, the TV blared out noise as quietly as possible and a candle sat on the table. The oven was heated through and warm to the touch, containing the small german biscuits cooking inside, a dirty mixing bowl sat in the bubbling water filled sink.
     The night had so far been calm, apart from the few small things, and in that the residents themselves had been calm, they had exchanged words back and forth but they never specifically set out to talk to each other. The Android would sit on the couch and read what was written on some old scraps of paper that were left on the coffee table or read his book, either way he wasn't up for talking much. The human had been baking, the entire time since midday, with nothing else to de that's all he could, he'd stop occasionally but only for a short while, to maybe sit down and relax or to do the dishes. It was long now past the usual time they'd go off to rest and it was getting almost painful to stay awake.
     The h/c haired male flopped down onto the couch next to the Android, sighing as he finally relaxed, placing his tired head in the crook of the Androids neck.

"You need to go to sleep."

"No, there are still things in the oven and I need to clean up,"

"Go to bed. It's sixteen minutes past midnight and you need sleep. I'll clean up and take the biscuits out of the oven."

"No, no I'll do it, don't worry."

     Picking up the smaller male, 900 carried him to their room, then proceeded to place as gently as he could, down on the bed, covering his smaller body with the blankets and duvet. Rubbing his head against the other males', and whispering good nights in his ear, the Android walked back into the main room, waiting patiently until he could take the tray out of get oven and let them cool.    
     Turning off the oven, 900 left the gray tray on top of the stove, and made his own way to their shared bedroom, flicking off the lights down the hall, and shutting the door quietly behind him.

+The End+

A/n: sorry it took so long to produce, there's just been so much to do, will hopefully update again soon :)

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