Chapter 2

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"What the," I gasped, trying to suck in enough air, "actual," I panted, my lungs in actual agony, "Fu-"

"10 minute break and then we'll work on some basic skills," Sasuke says nonchalantly and I groan.

I thought I was just going to be taught how to punch or something but Sasuke has been giving me the full workout. I've had to run laps, lift weights and done a bunch of core workouts but one thing is for sure, I am dying.

I walked like a zombie over to my water bottle and wheezed between big gulps of water. I glared at him as he crossed the training room, hoping to burn a hole into the back of his skull.

The ten minute break ended much sooner than I like and Sasuke was beckoning me to the floor.

I groaned, "I can't believe you are working me so hard, I thought we would start at a beginners level."

"This is beginners level. You need to start building up your strength and stamina or else you'll be caught in more situations you don't want to be in. You need to start somewhere, just didn't know you would be worse off than I thought."

Irritated. That's what I was. The nerve of this stupid duckbutt to insinuate that I was so out of shape. I mean, he wasn't wrong but that didn't mean he had to say it out loud.

"We will start with being attacked or grabbed from behind since you've already had some experience with that."

Just then Naruto burst through the door.

"You're late," Sasuke says bluntly.

Naruto only shrugged and gave us a smile, "lost track of time."

I rolled my eyes, ready to crawl back into my comfortable bed and be over with this "training session."

"Attack me from behind," Sasuke says, turning his back towards Naruto.

"I mean, if you say so." Naruto, being classic Naruto rushed forward without thinking.

He wrapped his arm around Sasuke's neck and he quickly countered. Before Naruto could tighten his grip, Sasuke got a hand up between Naruto's arm and his throat, elbowed Naruto in the gut and twisted out of his grip. He then continued to twist his arm behind his back and pinned him to the floor.

"That's for being late," Sasuke says, letting go and standing back up.

I couldn't help it, I laughed. It was nice to not be the one on the floor this time.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up Sakura," Naruto grumbled, getting up and dusting himself off.

"I'm sorry, but I just didn't know how you didn't see that coming."

He gave me a glare before setting up again behind Sasuke.

"The most common attack is a choke hold. You need to get your hand up first between your attackers hand and your throat and push it outwards," Sasuke explains, Naruto putting his arm around him again and demonstrating more slowly.

"Ideally, try and go for the groin, but the gut works well enough. Push your attackers arm away and twist out of their grip. Using the palm of your hand, thrust upwards and break your attacker's nose. You then run away and tell somebody."

He demonstrated as he went and it didn't look terribly complicated.

"Your turn."

Naruto shifted gears and stood behind me. I went over all the steps in my head as I prepared myself to get attacked. The moment I saw Naruto's arm, I put my hand up but he was going slow. I pushed his arm outwards and elbowed him in the gut, not hard, before pushing his arm away and twisting out of his grip. I mimicked thrusting my hand towards his nose but stopped far enough from his face.

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