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(your pov)

Walking into Chicharron's bungalow, you can feel your soul constrict as you remember how close he is to being Forgotten. Shaking off the ill-feelings, you put on a brave a determined face. You were gonna make sure that Cheech's last moments were lively, no matter what.

Standing up straighter, you walk over to a hammock filled with junk. You lift a straw hat to reveal Cheech's grumpy face. "Aloha ahiahi, Cheech," you grin, and Chicharron's frown immediately turns upside down. "Buenas noches, (N/N)," he replies, when his eyes land on Hector. His scowl instantly replacing his smile, the older man says, "Get out of here, Hector. I don't want to see your stupid face."

"C'mon, it's Dia de Muertos! I brought you a little offering~!" the younger skeleton says in a sing-song voice, extending his arm for the shorter male to grab a shot-glass. You bring up a barrel next to the suspended fabric, and sit down. "Yeah, ke kāne nui!" you chime in, and Cheech's face softens. "Hector, you better be lucky that (Y/N) is here, or I would get up and chase you out myself," he grumbles, and takes the shot. "Oh I know," the taller male says, giving you a smug look. You roll your eyes at him, and turn back to Chicharron. "So, Ch-" Hector starts to say, when you talk over him, knowing that you had a better chance of getting through to him. "Ke kāne nui, we need a favor. Miguel needs to borrow your guitar-"

"My guitar?!" Cheech cuts you off, hugging his guitar closer. "Yes?" you question, shifting uncomfortably in place. "My prized, beloved guitar?"

"I promise we'll bring it right back," Hector says, and Chicharron sits up, turning his anger and stubbornness onto him.

"Like the time you promised to bring back my van?"


"Or my mini-fridge?"

"Ah, well you see-"

"Or my really good napkins? My lasso? My femur?!"

"No, no, not like those times-"

"Where's my femur?! You-!" Cheech yells, getting ready for a tongue lashing, when another golden glow ripples through his bones. Gasping, you lean forward and quickly catch him from falling out of his hammock.







Sorry to leave this on a cliff hanger, but I keep forgetting I have this story and frankly, I'm not sure I should continue this. 

As with my discontinued TinTin story, I leave it up to ya'll to finish this. Just make sure to credit me for the first few chapters. 

Thank you for reading, and maybe I'll finish it someday. <3

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