Attack on Titan

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Levi sighed as he settled into bed, out of all the times that they had done this, Levi's favorite part was still the after math. The part where they would hold each other and take in the afterglow from each other. 

Levi felt fingers in case his right hand as he felt lips on his right. 

"I love you, you know that right." His partner whispered, as kissed the hand. 

Levi shivered, that was the first time his partner had ever said something like that and although they had to keep there love a secret, Levi knew it all to well. During battle they both knew that have there back, even if they were down to one blade and was missing a leg. 

"Yes," Levi whispered back, as he turned to face his lover. Secretly, he wanted nothing more than to scream the teen was all his, but Mikasa would surly kill him for taking away her play thing. 

They fell into silence again, it was blissful, sweet and welcoming. They just laid there, holding each other close. Levi could feel fingers playing at the back of his head and he returned the favor, with running his fingers up and down his lovers back, tracing every muscle available to him. 

Levi lost himself in the sounds of silence, and the feel of his lovers touch.  

He was almost asleep when he felt the boy shift against him. 

"What are you thinking about right at that moment?" The voice was calm;welcoming and hot on Levi's neck. It was quickly followed with his neck being covered in small love bites. 

The question took Levi off guard, that was something his lover usually did. For once in his life Levi thought about how he was feeling. 

He felt his heart rate starting to pick up as his lover continued his assault. He tried to hide his smile as he relished in the heat that they shared. All he could hear were slight mews that he assumed as coming from his titan but the heat in his stomach told him other wise. The mere fact that he was putting himself in the hands of his comrade and his lover was enough to turn him on. 

He had mad an oath to him self when he first started the scouts that he would survive. His uncle had told him of the world out side of the walls that there was this huge body of water called the ocean. 

"Crisp blue and had the sounds as calming as a mothers lullaby," His uncle had told him. "I heard is even more beautiful at night, when the stares would reflect off the water and create a light show that would entice any monster." 

For the longest time Levi thought that, that was the true meaning of heaven on earth, to have something so beautiful right in front of you that you couldn't look away. He knew now that wasn't right, he knew that the saying heaven on earth wasn't a place or a thing, but an emotion. 

It was the state of being completely vulnerable, yet feel protected. Its the thought of strength in your weakest moments, your inner warmth when the body is cold. 

Levi moved his hands to the taller males hair as he pulled the head back to look him in the eyes. 

Those eyes, they were the first thing that Levi had ever noticed about his lover. They had the strength of the soldier yet the ignorance of a child, it reminded Levi a lot of himself when he first joined the scouts all those years ago. 

Those eyes, they held the same color they did that day, Levi found him self thinking about them day in and day out. He could get lost in them for the rest of his life, and that's what he wanted. They were clouded over with a look of lust that told Levi he was ready for round two. 

More like round 346 but whose counting, Levi thought as kissed them gently, before moving to the softness of the taller males lips. 

"You're my heaven." 

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