Black Butler

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"Honestly i thought you were smarter than that," Charles Phipps said placing a towel over his partners, Charles Gray's head and shoulders.

"I just want to get some light night training in ok, what's wrong with that," Gray said as Phipps ruffed his hair.

"In pouring rain. You're soaked to the bone and left a wet trail though the hallway."

"I'll clean it up tomorrow."

Phipps groaned, as he shook his head. He hated the way Gray would always pull these childlike stances. He hated the way that even in the most serious of situations he would still be his cool and confident self. He hated how he always had to clean up his messes, and yet he loved him.

He love the way Gray's eyes would sparkle in the heat of battle, how he would sacrifice his life for her majesty and her people. He loved how Gray was clumsy but he let himself be professional when it came to getting something done.

He loved how smooth his partners skin looked, how yearned to touch it, to feel it, too love it. He wanted so badly to embrace him if only for a second, he just wanted to feel his warmth even when he was freezing.

He placed his hand to the younger males head.

"What are you doing?" Gray asked.

"You're running a slight fever. It would be best if you rest tomorrow." Phipps said standing up.

He had to refrain himself from those thoughts, to participate in something like that would be unholy, yet that didn't stop him from thinking how good it might feel to hold Gray do and make him scream to the heavens in pleasure, another part of him wouldn't mind it the other way around.

"Do you feel any pain anywhere?" Phipps asked.

"My head hurts," Gray answered.

"Is that all?"

"My throat and shoulders to."

"If you want I can send for the nurse.."


Phipps looked down in confusion to see Gray take hold of his coat and pull him toward him. His eyes when wide as Gray pressed his lips to his own.

He wanted so badly to melt into the shorter males embrace, to welcome the other male in. It took all Phipps strength and more to push against the shorter male other than welcome in. Before he know it he was pinned to the couch. His body wanted to feel every ounce of this mark every inch of grey as his own, the thought of there lives being ruined by this caused him to try and push away.

"Sto-" he was cut off by another kiss from the male on top of him. He could feel himself growing, the want the love, the heat he wanted every ounce of Gray.

"I said stop!" Phipps said pushing him away, He got up panting.

"Why are you doing this!? Do you enjoy causing trouble for me?" Phipps cursed himself out mentally that could have been his only chance to convey his feelings, and he pushed him away.

"Huh, what are you talking about, I love you,"

It was that one statement that caused something to snap in Phipps. He wanted nothing more than to make love to Gray in that moment. He knew that he had to get out of there before he did something they were both going to regret.

"What is your problem, everything you say is just crazy, I mean we're both men. Wh... What would the Queen say if she found out. We could be thrown in prison or worst."

"I don't care about any of that." Gray wrapped his arms around Phipps again, his head rested on Phipps shoulder. "I'll say it a million times if you want me to, I love you."

It's his fault, Phipps thought, When ever this man is around my mind becomes cloudy and he was always unable to think.

"I love you, Phipps. I love you so please, fall for me to."

I already have, Gray pulled back to meet Phipps eyes.

He kissed him deeply, moral reason be damned. All they cared about in that moment was the heat, and passion each of them had for each other.

Phipps could feel Grays hand rest softly on his back, in that moment Phipps felt his body, his tongue and his heart, everything wanting to belong to Gray. 

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