Jonjou Egoist

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"Nowaki!!!"Hiroki screamed reaching out to try to retrieve his wallet from the taller males grasp.

"Come I have to get to work. Give it back, now. " he ordered.

"One dance, Hiro-San, that's all I ask," Nowaki replied.

"We've never danced together and this is the perfect opportunity." He explaimed.

Hiroki glared at the taller male. He had only planned to stop in say hi then get back to work before his lunch break was over, but like most other time he got lost in conversation and let the time role by.

He didn't have time for this.

"It only take three minutes, please."

Nowaki gave him the same puppy dog look he always did when ever he was trouble, or he wanted something.

It was that look that made Hiroki melt everytime.

Nowaki truly had Hiroki wrapped around his finger.

Hiroki groaned then said, "fine just one."

"Whoa really." Nowaki smiled excitedly.

He's a child, Hiroki thought as he held his hand.

"Yeah come on, I can't dance to save my life but I'll try if it means I can get out of here." He rambled.

"That explains a lot." Nowaki chuckled.

"Sh...shut up." Hiroki blushed.

They walked out to the center of the dance floor.

Nowaki took Hiroki left hand in his, he then placed Hiroki's right hand on his shoulder and wrapped his right arm around the shorter males waist.

"Ok just keep your back straight and don't look down." Nowaki explained.

He started counting the steps as they danced. At first Hiroki felt like he was just being jerked around, but Nowaki was persistent and kept dancing. Neither of them noticed that music had started playing, Nowaki strated to humm along to it.

The music played we held each close...  He hummed as he started to get the hang of the dance.

One step left, one step right two steps back, and one step forward repeat.

Hiroki played the pattern over and over till he no longet had to glance down. 

"Hiro-San, you're getting the hang of it." Nowaki commented.

"I'm just following your lead." Hiroki said stepping back to start the process over again.

"Still I'm impressed it took me a few gets to learn this one, and I have even started the fun part yet."

Without warning Hiroki felt the grip around his waist titan and his feet leave the ground as Nowaki spun him mid-air.

Nowaki spun his lover twice before letting him down. He prepared himself to be punched or pushed away, but was surprised when he felt Hiro-san lean against him. They quickly got back into the steps again. 

Only this time they would rotate 180* before starting the steps over again. Nowaki knew that the end was near and he was going to enjoy this, apart of him knew that when that song ended that Hiro-san would push him away and they wouldn't be able to do this for a while.  He was so lost in the thought that he would have to let Hiro-san go that he didn't realize Hiroki was clinging to him. 

The song ended and Nowaki released Hiroki with a sigh. 

"Thanks for the dance, I'll go get your wallet... Humm" Nowaki eyes when wide when he was pulled in for a hard kiss. 

"We still have some time for one more." Hiroki whispered back. 

"Hiro-san." Nowaki hugged the shorter male close as song started to play. 

He mere sound of his lovers voice was enough to sweep Hiroki off his feet. 

Anime one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora