Imagine 2

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Sam ran away from Kat, Kat holding a knife and running after Sam. Y/n saw this and even though they are standers, she ran after Kat and then tackled her to the ground and took her knife, then knocked her out. Sam didn't hear anything so he stopped and turned around, seeing a stander holding the knife he was all most just killed with, in her hand and Kat on the ground. Y/n and Sam then looked at each other and then they met in middle (Why don't you just meet me in the middle, baby? I'm losin' my mind just a little, but why don't you just meet me in the middle... Sorry), and then gave each other their phone numbers and then Sam realized, they have gone to school together around the same time he met Colby and started vine. "Wait! Didn't we go to school together? In middle school?" Sam asked and Y/n then remembered and nodded, then they both smiled and walked away, never going to speak of this again.

The next day, Sam texted Y/n

S= Sam Y= Y/n

S- Hey (middle school nickname) I thought I should thank you for saving my life from my ex, yesterday. Sorry about calling you that, I know that's what the bullies called you... 

3 hours later...

Y- Hey Sam! It's all good! I was.... doing..... something. NOT SEXUAL! I'm SINGLE! SINGLE!!!!

S- I believe you, don't worry! What do you do for a job?

Y- umm I don't think you should get involved, for your safety and maybe......... Nevermind

S- Maybe what? My life?

Y/n could tell, that was a joke but, he was right. She left him on 'read' and walked back to her place of work, Hell. She signed a contract with the devil himself, and that was that her mother would get to be free from cancer, c.f, and more things like that if she came to work in hell with him. Her job was to tell 'people' to go to heaven or hell. She works on the borders of both yes, but it pays a million-an-hour so she does it and her shifts are from 9 am to 9 pm. She loves it because, on a daily basis, she gets 12 million dollars a day and gets her paycheck once a month.


Sam was left on 'read' and it worried him. What would he might lose if he got involved? He said 'My life?' as a joke, but now was thinking about how he might lose his life if he got involved. "Does she work for the devil or something?" Sam asked out loud, as Corey walked in into the living room. "Bro!! Don't talk about that shit, in this house EVER! Who were you talking about?" "My middle school friend Y/n, I saw her yesterday. Look at what she sent me." Sam let Corey have his phone to read the texts. Once Corey finished reading, he stepped back a little in fear. "BRO! Your life could be in danger!!!! OMG!!!! What do you think her job is?!" Jake walks in, "She could work for the Devol." He joked and rolled his eyes, the other two boys didn't notice him so they jumped a little. 

Y/n walked to her dragon to bring her to the middle ground of Hevan and Hell. Once there, she got off and walked to her booth. Her dragon flew off home and she started her job while the Devol (I'm just gonna call him..... Dylan if you lived with me then you would know why!) walked over to her. "Nice to see you again mortal! Today's payday! Do a good job!!" Dylan said handing Y/n some papers with names on them to send people to heaven or hell. Y/n texted Sam saying: 'Hey Sam! So I'm at work right now, please don't don't text back because my 'boss' doesn't like phones out sorry! Talk to you a 9 am (yes it's pm right now)'

Sam got the text and didn't respond, only turning off his phone. 

A month later Y/n had been coming over because her 'boss' had moved her schedule to the only weekend. Y/n walked in and nothing was there, not even people. EVEN  THE DOGS WERE GONE! The only thing in the hole house was right in front of her, it was a heart made of (favorite scented) candles. Inside of it was a (fav color) box. She walked to the box inside the light candles, she opened it up and it was a note for a scavenger hunt. It read,

Dear Y/n,

SO I have made a scavenger hunt and you have to find all of the clues to find something at the end. A... prize if you could call it that. If you answer a question at the end. The clues are throughout the house. So look and find your PRIZE!! First clue: Food, it's yummy, and people talk here.


Y/n walked to the kitchen and grabbed the paper with the note on it.

Clue 2!! 

You found it! Great job! So next hint: See the sunset? No? Maybe you have to go up?

Y/n put the paper with the other one and ran to the roof. There was another paper.

Clue 3!

 You found this one also!! You're smart! Ok so this was the last clue, so here is the hint to your prized!!: Your favorite please to swim and play, much like how we would go to 'this' place we would sneak out and sit till morning ever night! (THEY WERE NABIOURS)


Y/n went to the nearest beach and saw Sam in a fancy outfit with a bouquet (favorite flowers) and behind him was a beautiful sunset. 

"Y/n, I see you did find all of the clues! Like I said on the third, You're smart! So I  have a question for you, y/n. Will you do the honors of making me the happiest man in the world and become my girlfriend?" Sam said as Y/n walked over to him and started crying tears of joy. "YESS! SAM, YESS I WILL!!" Y/n said and then they ran to each other meeting in the middle. (WHY DON'T YOU JUST MEET ME IN THE MIDDLE BABY!? I'M LOSIN' MY MIND JUST A LITTLE, JUST A LITTLE BABY! Sorry... I love the song if you couldn't tell already...)


Y/n kissed Luna, her daughter, on the forehead and handed her her lunch box. "Have a good day honey!" "I will mamma! Tell dada I love him!" Luna said running waving getting on the school bus. Y/n smiled, then walked to her and  Sam's room and saw he was recording. "Hey, whatcha doing, honey?" "Oh, babe there you are! So, guys, this is my wife, Y/n!" Sam said as Y/n waved to the camera. "The last time you guys saw her, she was  saying 'I do!' so she is now my wife, and oh! where's Luna?" "Luna is off to school and I just want to say my boss fired me an hour ago, so I'm free from my job. And free for any day of the week. Even on the weekends!" "That's awesome! We'll talk me about this at dinner, ok? Anyway today j=guys we are doing the 'husband vs wife tag'. So I ask her a question about me, and then she asked me a question about her. If we get it wrong, then pie to the face!!!" "Guys, we have known each other since middle school so we know each other a lot! Keep that in mind!" "Ok time to start!"

Word count: 1263!!!!! YEAH, BISSHES! SORRY ITS SO EARLY!!!

Always remember to tie your shoes and toodles! 

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