-Beach Day-

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"Y/n get up", Tom said as he pushed you slightly.
You being tightly and quite comfortably wrapped up in a comforter, hummed harshly back as a "nO". Tom then nudged you as if to say "come on" once again, but you didn't budge. You could be stubborn like that sometimes.
"Y/n..... if you don't get up I might have to take further action."
Your eyes opened up as you tried to wiggle off the bed in your caterpillar-like state, but was dragged back by an already dressed Tom (who looked cute as always btw). Tom got to you before you could escape and now you were being unwrapped and tickled in the process.
"tOm", you said between laughing as you tried to shoo him away.
"Im not leaving until you get up!"
You lay on your back looking up at him as he is over you now and raise your eyebrows.
"Y/n.", he said lightly laughing, "I'm not doing this right now."
"Come on! It will get me up!"
He leans in for a kiss, but swiftly moves to your ear to whisper, "get up."
"TOoOOmM", you complain as he walks away laughing.
"Later! I promise, but you have to get up, I have a whole day planned. In fact I woke you up earlier than needed because I knew you'd be like this!"
You reluctantly sit up and eye the room briefly  while deciding what to do. You decide to get dressed first, wearing *your favorite outfit* plus *your favorite shoes*, the best combination for any and every day. Then decide to quickly go through your whole routine (ex. Makeup if you wear it, washing your face, etc.).
"Okay I'm ready!"
As you walk back to Tom, he stops to scan you up and down, "Stunning", he says and pulls you in for a quick kiss. You blush a bit, even after being together for a bit he still knew how to make you feel like you did when you both first met.
"Thank you, not too bad yourself.", you quip back while following him on the way out, "now where exactly are we going?"
"It's a surprise", he says with a wink and you in return blush once again.
After about a 20 minute drive you begin to see the coast.
"Tom!!! Are we going to the beach?", you ask as he just smiles in return, "Yes!! It's been so long."
Tom pulls the car in to the thin parking spot and walks around to open the door, you thanking him as you walk out. He then goes back around to get something from the trunk, a basket.
"Awe Tom, you planned a picnic?"
"Yup, just me and my girl", he says as he pecked you on the lips, intertwining your hand with his at the same time.
You both walk down to the warm sand and begin to unpack your favorite foods one by one from the woven basket while Tom set up the drinks and blanket.
"This is honestly perfect Tom, I just don't know what to say. Thank you so much, I...I love you.", you look down a bit nervous at the last part as that was the first time one of you had said that. Tom smiles back and replies "Of course, I love you too.", and then puts his hand on your cheek to guide you into a kiss.
You both exchanged smiles once more and then continue on with the picnic.

Tom Hiddleston One Shots/Imagines (x reader)Where stories live. Discover now