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You never quite understood why you've spent most of your life in isolation away from people that roamed the world. You never even imagined being the only eighteen year old who is still living with her parents and not a single day of her life been spent somewhere else, but home.
You've been homeschool all your life, and the only friends you've managed to make were your younger siblings Ashton and Agatha. Sure your parents supplied you with what they thought was the best of knowledge for you, they even gave you "the talk" and the whole speech of now allowing a guy to take advantage of you, not anyone in fact! You can practically hear your father raising his voice as he mentally pictured some one having their way with you, his forehead crinkling up as his fingernails dug onto the leather of his favorite sofa.

You were never prepare for what's to come, you were never prepare for him.

No one was.


Looking outside from the kitchen window you picked at your fruit removing all the grapes only leaving the green ones, your body wasn't settled in the chair as your parents would want it to be, but they were nowhere to be seen and you doubt little Ashton or bratty Agatha will order you to get your act together.
These days seem endless you thought as you took two grapes from the crystal bowl. You wake up, get some chores done, eat, send in your homework, then sleep. You've been persuading your mother for a phone telling her it'd be easier for you to contact your teachers instead of having to physically drive over to have her answer some simple questions. At times you only had one question and that was too inconvenient not only for you, but for your parents as well so you began listing pros to get your strict mom to agree with your request. It's been a couple days since you literally begged on your knees and she hasn't gave you an answer yet saying she'll have a talk with your father first.

"Y/n" your younger brother had been calling for you, too busy thinking about your future phone you didn't notice the poor little guy. Ashton was still in his pj's rubbing his eye unsure why it felt so itchy, he whined calling for you once more. "It hurts" the two year old complains raising his arms for you to carry him. You smiled picking him right up and pecking his cheeks soon Ashton was giggling squeezing your neck for you not to stop. "Lets have a check Mr. Y/b/ln" you placed a hand on his forehead getting a better view of both eyes. "Hmm I think I figured out the problem" you puckered your lips, furrowing your brows as if playing the "I've got this cover" card for him to remain calm. "Was the problem doc?" Ashton's little mouth formed into an O bringing his hand to the left side of his cheek, waiting patiently for you to answer him. This playing doctor often played out throughout your guys day since it was only the three of you most of the time and what other ways will you get entertain? "Well you see you forgot to wash your face and now the eye boogers came back and since the seasons are changing you?" You poked his chest lightly, raising your forehead and then it clicked in his little careless mind "Allergy season again" he frowns, as he shakes his head in disapproval for such evil thing to happen to him just when he was about to receive his newest car toys. Ashton absolutely hates allergy season especially when it's getting close to winter considering that's usually when his allergies kick in the most horrible way anyone could ever imagine.
"Let's go buddy we need your medicine so you won't feel as itchy" you slowly settle him back on the wooden floor, grabbing his smaller hand and walking the two of you back upstairs, but then you stopped before even stepping further.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to impose" he spoke quietly to you, his eyes went from Ashton, then to you. Your body was no longer combined with your mind you went completely blank not finding the words to say. Suddenly the stranger backed away slowly, he held onto his hat tighter staring down while pressing his lips firmly.

"Who are you?" You finally grew the little courage you had left and asked, gripping Ashton's hand and shielding him. The guy seemed nervous himself, he coughed then his mouth open "Hello I'm Jinyoung. I have a meeting with Mr. Y/D/FLN" Jinyoung bowed down and you repeated what he did not knowing why you did that then fixed yourself quickly before he saw you. Hmm dad has an appointment and he didn't let me know? Funny.

"Y/n why is that man in here? Do I have to call 911 or should I beat him up myself?" The little boy pouted angrily turning his tiny hand into a ball then,
Jinyoung laughed. His laughter was foreign to you you've never heard anything like it then again his laughter was the fifth one you actually payed attention to. Jinyoung had kneeled down waving over at, Ashton who was in doubts trying to figure out if he was either a superhero or villain.

"I overheard you suffer with seasonal allergies, but it's gotten tougher right?" Jinyoung scooted closer giving Ashton a ruffle on his hair and smiling brightly hoping he'd approve of him.
"Mommy says it's not good to easedrop" That made you giggle instantly being well aware your youngest sibling can be quite snarky despite the age he is. "I'm sorry he doesn't take strangers in that easily but if you'd like you can wait in my dad's office it's this-"

"I actually came for Mr. Y/BLM jr. Hello sir I am doctor Park Jinyoung and I'm here to make all the itchiness go away. You ready?" Jinyoung lifts himself up, saluting right after reciting what he attempted to say the first time before letting his nerves control him.

Ashton giggled with widen eyes, and nodded sitting on top of the couch, dragging you along off course. He sat there eager to see all of the doctors tools or as he often refers to them when you guys are playing "toys" then a low gasped escaped his mouth when he saw Jinyoung taking out a box from his briefcase. "Let's see your sister" Doctor, Park turns to you "Y/n her name is Y/n!" Ashton quickly lets him know wanting to see Jinyoung finally use his special tools, both older people could see it in his honey eyes how impatient he's gotten so they smile at each other and you nod for him to carry on.

"Are you afraid of needles Mr. Ashton" Jinyoung pulled out the sharp object, and flinch the tip of it. "Nope I'm a supa hero, like you" you smiled, patting the back of him, holding him tight in case he decides to change his mind and cries.
The doctor still smiling brought the needle closer to, Ashton's arm he stuck it in gently, but with a fast pace and before you all knew it Jinyoung was already placing the blood tests on the table.

"So is he allergic to anything or it's just seasonal?" You furrowed your brows, placing the cup of tea you prepared for Jinyoung. He reaches for it thanking you once again
"Hmm well he's still very young for these symptoms to just pop up, but according to what I've gotten so far he seems to be sensitive to this type of chemical usually lotions and soaps carry. I'll have my assistant fax your father what he isn't allowed to use and such" Jinyoung had been settling his tools, you reached for the box from earlier and handed it to him. "Thank you Y/n" and in that moment you felt your entire world freeze.
His dark oat eyes soften at the proximity between him and the site of your smile, it made Jinyoung's insides go all over the place. He's never met some one so pure, so natural. The way your lashes flutter when you looked up at him and then your mouth looking incredibly perfect in comparison to others he's seen who often have a really bright color on it just made the man go mad for more of you, but he needed to stop he'd been noticing you ever since he entered your home and in a non creepy way he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.

The door had been wide open you were too busy comforting your still sleepy brother when he saw your side profile, smiling at little Ashton and assuring him it was nothing but his annoying allergies. Once you confronted the man he was too lost in his own mind to think of what to say and so he choked.

"Y/N!" Your little brother had ran over to you dropping his toys not minding which ones broke this time as your fathers voice filled the entire room.

AN: I'm actually excited for this always wanted to do a story like this hope you all enjoy it :))

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