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The sudden breeze inside Jinyoung's office became thick. Very very thick. You backed away as he prepared to give you the answer you were now unsure if you even wanted to hear. What was happening? Did you really want to cross this barrier and taunt your fathers rules?

"Umm .. well you're beautiful in every way, Y/n" then Jinyoung questioned himself if it was really him the one who was saying these cheesy things, he scratched the back of his neck something you've discover that has probably been a habit of his throughout his entire life. "Your smile is my favorite by far" he says to you, your eyes look up finding his. Those damn eyes you can see the crinkles at the ends of them as Jinyoung's smile becomes wider causing you to reciprocate the same, it's like a sick addiction you can't quit even if you chose to.

"Hey Jin-" The two of you didn't break your gaze away from each other as if nothing else mattered to you both. Not even the fact that two bodies had entered Jinyoung's office. Mark and Yugyeom exchange stares agreeing the best option was to leave and let you enjoy whatever time left you had with their friend, but Yugyeom knew if he'd walked out without scolding Jinyoung for having him witness such awkward scene he wouldn't forgive himself for letting this one go and so the youngest spoke.

"See, Mark told you he wasn't gay" Mark's laughters stormed inside covering the walls. An echo breaking you away from Jinyoung's eyes. Jinyoung had walked to his friends, smacking the yellow haired guy, you then looked beside the new face and realize those two were from the pictures you've seen earlier. The red head smiled at you and you quickly noticed his hair was no longer blonde, you nodded returning him a small grin.

"Ah yes our Jinyoungie finally has lady friends" the other one spoke and this time you laughed being aware of their constant bullying. Jinyoung send them both a face that you found even more amusing and there you were laughing nonstop enjoying his little playful glares, and pressed lips.

"I apologize, Y/n these are my friends Mark and Yugyeom" you waved at Yugyeom first as he did the same, and then suddenly he walked closer towards you "Wow you really do have long lashes and is that your real lip color?" he took out his hand, waiting for yours. You thought of his comment wanting more information as to why he knew so little of you, but instead you shook his hand and shrugged. "Yah! Why would you ask such things!" Jinyoung pushed, Yugyeom aside returning you, your personal space, not too long did he turn to you and smiled reassuring if you were okay. You nod lifting your hand so he'd know it was all good. Honestly speaking this is perhaps one of the best days you've ever had call yourself crazy, but you couldn't deny this has been something you've always wanted to be part of. Meeting new people seeing how others interact with whatever situation they're put to sort out throughout either that day or for many days. It was fun and exciting not knowing what to expect from these new faces and you found yourself already accepting them to play whichever role suit them best in your life.

Mark then walked up to you and shook your hand lightly, "Sorry about that we usually keep him on a leash especially around pretty girls" You felt your cheeks warm up again this time is wasn't too bad. That was until you spotted those pair of oats staring at you as if he was examining the way you would react to Mark's compliment. Jinyoung shoulders looked more relaxed now that you were all introduced he wasn't attacking his neck anymore, and he had stopped complaining about how much he hated his friends.

You wanted to tell them that half of the "jokes" they had made you weren't quite sure what was the point of them, but part of you  didn't want to seem too boring so you just laughed it off hoping they didn't ask if you got it.

"You're so lucky Jackson had loads of work or else he would've been going at it nonstop" Mark warned his friend and you. You smiled staring down at your white tennis shoes, that's when you felt some one staring. You wanted to seek for that person and maybe do the same, yet some of you pulled you back screaming to not do it. "So Y/n? What do you do as of now?" Your upper lip got a hold of the bottom one, and turned to where Yugyeom was occupied fiddling with Jinyoung's office papers.

"Just school. I wanted to apply for some holiday part time jobs but my father won't allow it" the thought of that day puts you in the worst mood ever he didn't even gave you the opportunity to explain why you wanted to work and how it'd be helpful for them as well.

"Ah yes her dad is a special one" Jinyoung, stated with an eye roll and a slight nod. "He sure is" then the two of you almost lost yourselves until Yugyeom interrupted.

"Well aren't you in luck, Y/n. My father's company just fired their receptionist and I might be able to pull some strings for you" the younger male had placed his hands inside his dressy pants, shooting you a smirk only resolving in Mark giving him a disapproving expression. It wasn't the fact that Yugyeom was trying to help you, Mark actually thought that was nice. The real issue here was that, Yugyeom found a situation that he can put himself in yet again and look like some type of hero. Mark was well trained he's been there before and he practically walked those same steps he just hoped his friend returned back to his old loving self and stop picking the next game to play.

Jinyoung felt annoyed, jaw clenched as he followed Yugyeom's flirting and constant touching. Whenever he'd pad your back, squeeze your shoulder, or hand a flush of anger ran through him wanting to rip, Yugyeom's existence from this earth. He knew how his friend was. Yugyeom plays out to be this sweet guy when in reality he just aims for one thing and one thing only it was quite shameful to admit this considering they were pretty close and Jinyoung was convinced this person wasn't really the friend he first met.

"That sounds very appealing, but like I mentioned my father won't give in easily" You tugged at your sleeves wondering over to that familiar face. As if you were asking Jinyoung for permission, with your pouty mouth and helpless doey eyes he felt his chest rise up and he couldn't hold back the smile that was already set on those pair of lips. Jinyoung was about to speak when suddenly

"Let's do this have your father come and we'll discuss this with my father make sure things are good enough for his little girl" Yugyeom had his back against the wall one hand hanging low as the other remained inside his pocket.
You managed to send him a smile not fully convinced. Then that side of your head yelled for you to not be so negative and maybe your father wouldn't fight you on this. What can he possibly find any faults in that when he'd also be joining in and he would know all the procedures.

"That doesn't sound too bad. Jinyoung?" You questioned him again, as he's removing his coat he hums and looks over at you. "What's your opinion on this?" Mark then chuckles finding it kind of adorable that you'd rather hear Jinyoung's advice instead of anyone else's.

"Well it sounds like an adjustable plan and all, but I've met your father and he won't be persuaded that quick" his hand held onto his chin as he thought of what can be the cherry on top. Mark nudged Jinyoung for him to continue and once he felt the wait was too long he sighed shaking his head.

"I got it have Yugyeom's dads company send out a letter to your home stating all of these benefits you'll receive by working there. That way he doesn't suspect you and Yugyeom know each other" the man had gotten closer to your side. That little spark boiling the more Jinyoung filled the empty space between the two, his favorite thing of you was right in front of him he wanted nothing more than to caress your cheek and comfort you that everything will turn out perfectly as planned and then he'd hug you tightly until the warmth of both your bodies were finally charged.

"You're so smart, Jinyoung my dad's old fashion and he tends to feel more secure with letters" You couldn't believe it finally a plan that will surely work, and you'd get to finally leave the house for a couple of hours. Your happiness pretty much took over and then you found yourself wrapping your arms around Jinyoung as he covered your shoulders with his. It was nice taking in his aroma even closer than before and his heartbeat was perhaps your new favorite thing to listen to.

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