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You untangled your bracelet then tangled it back on repeating this same action for what seemed only a couple of minutes turned out to be an hour. You didn't only lose focus with your bracelet that yes off course your little sister had made for you just when you had reached as Agatha quoted "A hormonal teenager" thirteen years old to be precise. Your focus had also been stolen with the cute garden, Jinyoung's clinic had right before getting to what you assume was his office.

The way rose pedals left trails all over the ground as they fell down looked absolutely beautiful at least to you it did, and the variety of many plants surrounding the small garden made the portrait even more stunning than it already was. You sighed appreciating every minute of this wishing it'd never ended. Peaceful you thought as the garden flipped into this imaginary fairytale you've read in some novel that you had to pull out of the internet because according to your father those "sexual books" were just wannabe love stories in hopes to get girls to crave love which was really just lust.
"Miss. Y/LN" the nurse smiled as you gave her your full attention and by the way her posture was settle she'd probably been calling for you, but you being in complete awe with their garden did not notice. Quickly you picked up Jinyoung's suitcase then wrapped your purse over your body "I'm ready" you stated sending, nurse Lesly a smile then followed along as she began heading to where Jinyoung was most likely waiting for you. The thought of seeing him again caused a great amount of nerves to pretty much control whatever you've been trying to keep hidden, but by the looks of it it'll be harder than you anticipated.

"Doctor, Park will be with you shortly again we apologize for the long wait" she smiled once more then left you after assuring her it was okay and totally understandable. Wow you thought so this is his office hmm you scanned through the room, walking pass the bookshelf you came across picture frames automatically calming your nerves down. There were about seven faces in all of them and you started to wonder if Jinyoung even had family or maybe he didn't? It'd be sad if this the case, but for now you won't let your mind jump to conclusions then you landed on the last photograph. Your Prince Charming had his face scrunch up in the most adorable way while one of his friends held onto his face as he laughed at Jinyoung's silliness, the rest were smiling, but besides Jinyoung another one caught your attention as his cheeks were being squish by some one else. You couldn't contain your giggles and you somewhat felt envious of these unfamiliar faces who had the luck of being this close to Jinyoung. Perhaps this is heading towards something you wouldn't want to invest this much importance what's the odds that, Jinyoung might share the same feelings as you? You honestly couldn't bare to know the truth.

 Perhaps this is heading towards something you wouldn't want to invest this much importance what's the odds that, Jinyoung might share the same feelings as you? You honestly couldn't bare to know the truth

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"Am I interrupting something?" You jumped at the sound of his voice, turning yourself around still with the wooden frame in your hands. You haven't manage to do any thing by now so Jinyoung approached you, retrieving his decoration and placed it back with the rest. "Sorry I didn't mean to snoop around.." you finally spoke which made the guy chuckle, brushing his hair back you couldn't help noticing his white coat, which also had attached on the left side that infamous name you grew to become such fond of "Park, Jinyoung" he then locked eyes with yours, the crinkles that had created at the end of his oats made your entire mind go blank how can something be so perfectly perfect? The tiny freckle he had on his top lip was perhaps what dragged you more to the guy your eyes had been on his lips longer then they should have, but now it's a little too late to look elsewhere and Jinyoung enjoyed every second of having you in complete embarrassment. It's the smallest details that you found the most precious or maybe it was just because it made Jinyoung be Jinyoung.

"So um not to be rude, but what exactly brings you to my office? Is Ashton okay?" The sound of your little brothers name leaving his mouth caused this weird joy out of you. You shook your head then picked up the black leather case from behind you "I brought you this" You handed him his suitcase looking up at him almost as if you knew he was already staring back, Jinyoung thanked you with a bow. "Wow I'm very thankful you didn't have to come all this way Miss wouldn't want your father giving you a hard time or does he not know you're here?" Your eyes widen as your dads face ran through your mind. "I'm sorry you had to witness that my dad can be extremely old fashion" you straighten the wrinkles your skirt had wishing you didn't you have to constantly apologize for your dad considering he's "never" wrong well according to him. These little incidents have occurred in other occasions as well you just never really stood up for yourself and made sure you apologize to whoever your father had gone off.

"No I'm sorry you have to deal with such cruel treatment and unnecessary comments"
The same aura returned clouding over you and Jinyoung this unusual feeling is definitely just like the first time, your body went numb only to be all warmed up. Jinyoung looked at you not really saying much and you didn't quite understand if this was a bad or good thing, but you weren't entirely unpleased with his eyes focusing only on you. "You get used to it" You say, snapping him back, Jinyoung probably didn't realize how close he's gotten to you, and when he felt your hand brush lightly against his he backed away, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" His words send chills down your spine recalling if anyone throughout your eighteen years has ever confessed such compliment, suddenly your throat felt a lump and you were speechless. His eyes became soft not hearing any words from you knowing very well you probably have never been in this type of situation "What do you find so beautiful about me?" You questioned without knowing why you had asked such arrogant thing. Then there was that part of you that was very curious to know why out of all people Park Jinyoung finds you beautiful.

"You're like a rose pedal delicately beautiful"
What Jinyoung's mind made out of this metaphor was not too complicated. It was true he portray you as delicate as a rose pedal can easily be broken due to current traumatic experiences, but somehow he did not mind it. Jinyoung wanted an SOS he wanted to be your personal one and rescue you from whatever pain you've learn to hide so well. Was he insane to think such ridicule idea? Off course. Did he felt any sort of regret? Hell no. You were becoming his rose pedal sooner or later and he wanted nothing more than to keep you sealed up in a plastic baggy and store you away in case any harm came your direction. Park Jinyoung found you delicately beautiful and he did not know why. The only thing he was certain was that his gut feeling told him to go for it and so he did in hopes you feel the same.


Mark chuckled, tossing his phone back inside his pocket. "Me been in love?" He stretches his arms out, then used them as support for his neck "Yes I have been" he admits to Jinyoung who had already gotten up from where he was laying patiently waiting for Mark to continue, but he didn't so the confused guy had to question

"What does it feel like?" Jinyoung's eyes slowly widen wondering what can possibly be the symptoms of being in love with some one? He also wanted to confirm if love at first sight even existed and if it didn't then he must be the first person who had discovered it.

"It's confusing as first how can I put it in the most simplest way for you" Mark squeezed the bridge of his nose then intertwined his fingers
"Think of it like this you can't really think straight, you constantly doubt yourself not because you're insecure but because you want that person to rely on you with anything and everything, you find yourself visualizing you and her doing things you never even thought of before. When you're in love just know your gut feeling will tell you go for it"

an: I hope this wasn't too cliche or too cheesy and if it was I'm sorrry

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