36 1 2

Days had gone by and everything seemed to be like any other day. You were convinced Jinyoung and the rest had forgotten about you, and now you were left without no other way out. "Back to square one" a sighed left your mouth as you sat on the couch seeing as your brother played with his car toys. Ashton was mumbling some words then he got distracted with your foot as it continuously bounced up and down from the carpet. "What's wong?" His little tone coming out with so much worry. You booped his nose being closer to him now and smiled "Nothing, Ash just grown up stuff" you responded. Ashton's eyes wandered to the livingroom's window and when his smile grew larger than it was after ruffling his hair, you turned seeing as those pair of angel like eyes looked back at you.

Jinyoung waved as his other hand was kept inside his pocket. You shyly smiled not really comprehending what was happening then Ashton pulled your hand begging you to open the door. "Hey" you say, while your little brother opens the door fully running to the guy. Jinyoung then kneels down and squeezes Ashton's cheek "Whats the matter?" He asked playfully pouting at the little boy, Ashton giggles going in and hugs Jinyoung "Are you here to take my big sister away" You gasp lightly, shaking your head and saying "Ashton- n-no he's not taking anyone away. Don't be blurting out such things" Ashton shrugs as Jinyoung held onto him. "I won't take her away unless she wants me to" Jinyoung admits to Ashton, squeezing his other cheek and laughing with your little brother. "She want to" Ashton attempts to whisper covering himself with one hand so you won't be able to see him.

You tried keeping yourself calm before saying anything else. It was outrageous the amount of anxiety you had when you and Jinyoung were in the same room he had this strong aura that often dragged you more to him and you didn't know how to handle it. You've never felt nothing like this feeling and you wanted to know what it was. Staring back at the two boys you smiled and then stepped further inside "C'mon we're about to make pancakes" you happily announced as Ash and Jinyoung tailed right after you into the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh her pancakes are the bwest" your little brother claims as he goes to open the cabinet and fetches you the mix. You smile getting it from him and adding some to a bowl. Meanwhile, Jinyoung watches you attentively as you pour some water then begin to blend the ingredients together. "Wait that's all you add?" The shocked man questioned in disbelief. You were surprised hearing his voice become louder than normal and laughed closing your eyes as you shook your head. "You scared me. And yes this is all I add too many ingredients makes them either too big or yellow" Jinyoung laughs this time, pulling out his phone and setting it on the counter. "No wonder mines come out yellow. It must be the egg" the man confesses being embarrassed with his own self. Making you laugh even more this time at how playful he can be you continued to bat the water and mix while your toddler brother snuck a few times and picking at the now well blended pancake mix.

"That's enough Ash" you tell him as you reached over for the pan. Jinyoung enjoyed his view seeing as you and Ashton moved in sync as you tried to prepare everything around you before you began cooking. The kitchen window was open and you couldn't stop thinking when your parents will arrive they'd mention they were going to be back after supper which obviously meant you were clear, but part of you wasn't so sure. "It's rweady" Ashton furrows his brows, pulling into your baggy gray shirt. You looked down nodding and adding the first pancake onto the pan.

"He really loves this doesn't he?" Jinyoung asks from behind you, you turn to where the guy is standing as he keeps his hands on the counter. "It's the highlight of his day" you giggle, brushing Ashton's hair back as he smiles seeing the mix transfer into a golden brown color.
Jinyoung had walked over to your side taking the spot beside you as you attempted to flip the pancake, but failed accidentally with the guy following your every move you just couldn't control that damn nerve that kept shouting at you "He's looking at you" your heart began beating faster as Jinyoung grabbed your hand and made you flip the pancake together while his fingers intertwined with yours. His breathe was hitting your neck as his head remained right next to it you can also feel his chest on the side of your shoulder causing the area to warm up and make you feel this burning sensation right in between your stomach. Then you both realized your fingers were still attached and he moved chuckling as he kept apologizing. Ashton was too busy eyeing the fluffy food not noticing what you two had been doing and even so he wouldn't know because he's far too young to comprehend what was going on inside  you and Jinyoung's head.

"It's okay don't worry. You were just trying to help" You assure the tense guy it's really fine and that in fact you wanted more. That voice inside your head just couldn't stay quiet, you smiled pouring more mix into the pan.

After 20 minutes or so you were all done and were setting the table with plates, syrup and utensils. Ashton was the first one choosing to sit where his dad normally does while you sat beside him, leaving Jinyoung across from you.
"Go ahead" you tell them as they each grabbed a pancake and adding some syrup, Jinyoung picking a couple of fruits you had cut up. You smile cutting your pancake in small pieces, all you had added was a couple of bananas and chocolate syrup.

"So I stopped by because it seems Yugyeom's dad found a new receptionist" Your mind went blank not really knowing what to expect. It was too good to be true wasn't it? You nodded taking a bite from your banana. Jinyoung takes a sip from his tea and then talks again "But I happen to need a morning assistant, Lesly has been requesting more days than usual and some one just quit on us. I was unsure if you'd like that but-"
"I love that idea" you interrupt him and smile as you stare back at Jinyoung. He returns the same warm smile and nods "Then I guess now we talk to your father" his face completely falls down as his eyes stay on the mug.

Jinyoung knew your dad was going to be a problem and before he even planned this out on his own he totally forgot that you weren't going to be some one easily to be with. He didn't mind it though, as crazy as it sounded he liked the idea of sneaking around and having some late night getaways with some one who's never experienced life. Jinyoung wanted to be your first in everything and he wasn't one to back out on his plans that quick.


Yugyeom played with his friends chair, spinning the leather chair as Jinyoung walked back and forth double checking some papers. "So what's Y/n's number?" Yugyeom asked as he mimicked Jinyoung tossing some folders aside.
"About that seems like Y/n isn't interested. You know how I've been needing a part time? Well she chose this instead" Jinyoung fixed up, Yugyeom's collar grinning at the younger man. The both stayed silent for a couple of minutes, Yugyeom stared at the window where some people were passing by and he didn't understand why some one who he had no clue who she was or what her intentions were with his friends chose someone else instead of him. It infuriated him and bad.

Jinyoung sat on the chair organizing his folders back the way they were and signed some papers. "What's the matter Yugyeom?" Jinyoung questioned, bringing his pen to his lips. "Nothing. Why would something be wrong?" Yugyeom retorted, sitting across from his friend, Jinyoung chuckles and leans back against the chair.

"Why can't you just accept when some one says no or disagrees? Not everything around you belongs to you. She isn't a toy"
"So she's your toy then?"
Yugyeom laughed it off and stood up, shaking his head he looks one last time at, Jinyoung who was still sitting. "See you tonight. Got some things to take care of".
With that the guy leaves rushing towards his car and instantly unlocking it, hitting the stirring wheel with both of his hands.
"Who the fuck does he think he is to speak to me in that form? If it wasn't for me this stupid clinic wouldn't even be open" if it wasn't for your father Yugyeom hits the wheel once more then gives the engine life, speeding out of Jinyoung's clinic with electronic music blasting throughout the entire vehicle.

Three hearts felt something, three hearts were lost, three hearts wanted answers, and two hearts weren't meant to be.

AN: sorry I've been gone holidays and then some mental issues but I'm back and I'm trying to focus on this story so much more :,)

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