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Athena is different than the rest of the Cullens

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Athena is different than the rest of the Cullens. She isn't a vampire like the rest but she is different. She has powers, unlike any other person or thing. Carlisle calls her a witch but she just calls herself special.

She has a lot of powers; she can read minds like Edward, see the future like Alice, see people's past, cast spells, feel people's emotions, and can heal small wounds.

Sometimes these "gifts" can be curses. She can feel everyone's emotions if she is near them. Also, she sees bad things in the future, which her small, pure brain can't handle.

Athena is someone different, and she likes being different.


Athena glanced over her outfit one last time. She wore a gray plaid skirt with a black tank top. She pulled on a gray sweater for the chilly season.

Unlike her siblings, she gets cold and hot. They all stay at one temperature when hers is the same as a human.

Athena pulls her fiery red hair up into a messy ponytail, the baby hairs framing her face. She smiles to herself before turning to leave her room.

Athena has a fairly large room. She has a bed with light purple sheets and pillows, a desk with her papers scattered everywhere, and French doors that lead to a balcony.

Athena loves her room, she spends hours up here just thinking. Athena does a lot of thinking, it stresses Edward out a lot.

Athena reached the bottom of the stairs and is swooped off the floor into Emmett's arms. "Emmett put me down!"


"I don't like being carried like a baby!" Athena huffs and slaps Emmett, trying to annoy him enough to drop her. Finally, he does but drops her on her feet.

Athena smoothed our her outfit and hissed at Emmett. She snapped her fingers and motioned to Emmet. Her eyes turned a vibrant purple. He fell to his knees clutching his chest.

"Stop! Stop the pain!" He cried. Her eyes turned back to the regular sea green. Emmett fell forward, his hand holding him up as he gasped for air.

"Don't mess with me, bloodsucker." She said it jokingly but he still took her seriously.

"Let's get to school, kids," Esme said from the door.

Athena smiled and skipped towards the door. She went outside to her white Jeep Wrangler, jumping into the front seat. She turned on the music, "Yeah!" By Usher started playing.

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