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Months have passed and Athena has spent that time with Jacob, Embry, and Quil

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Months have passed and Athena has spent that time with Jacob, Embry, and Quil. Athena has seemed to keep hidden away from Bella and made the boys promise they wouldn't tell her she was here. Everything has been going great in Athenas world.

Billy has even started saying she was like one of his own daughters. Jacob saw her as his little sister. Embry and Quil saw her as their best friend.

There was one problem though. One problem Athena didn't know about.

Billy knows something about her.

He knows she's not a vampire. He knows she's different though. There is something about her that makes her different. He's seen her eyes change purple a lot and has seen weird things happen when her eyes do change.

One time Athena was helping make dinner. She was cutting onions when her hand slipped and sliced her finger. Billy watched her hiss in pain. She glanced around, missing him in the doorway.

Her eyes changed a bright purple and her hand hovered over her other one. The skin started reaching to each other, closing the wound. She smiled to herself and kept cutting the onions.

Billy slowly rolled out of the kitchen that day. He called up Harry Clearwater and Quil Ateara III. He asked them if there was any legend of a witch. The only one they knew of was a girl who born powers. The only way to get rid of them is to give them up or be killed.

Athena bore hers from her mother who gave them up to Athena as a baby, minutes before the mother was killed. Athena was then taken into the care of the Cullen's.

February weather was getting warm enough for a light jacket. Athena was in Jacobs room, reading a book she found in Jacobs desk. She had a grey sweater on and black jeans. She was going to go see Jacob but she saw earlier that Bella was coming over. That Bella would be over for awhile.

This upset Athena. Meaning she would have to be hidden away from Jacob for awhile. Athena looked at her window to see Bella's truck pulling up. Jacob ran out from the garage and hugged her. She pulled back the tarp to reveal Motorcycles. Jacob carried them down and rolled them to the garage.

A pain filled Athena's chest, signifying she needs to see her soulmate. Athena decided to go visit Embry and Quil. She started walking outside, only to see them walking to her. They spotted her, Embry opened his arms for a hug and then Quil did. She hugged both of them, one longer than the other.

"I was about to come see you," She laughed.

"We're gonna see Jacob, wanna come?" Embry asked, throwing an arm around her shoulder. Athena stopped and frowned.

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