Friendly Cheek Kisses

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      "Andrew!" Garrett yelled from Shane's couch. He was sat in the middle with Shane and Ryland on his far left and Morgan on his far right. I was in the kitchen, editing on my laptop.
"I'm editing Garrett!" I called back, hearing him get off the couch and stomp towards me. He walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, kissing my cheek softly. Again, I'm straight. I'd like to make that VERY clear.
"But I want cuddles." He whined in my ear. My eyes shifted over, seeing the rest of the gang staring at us.
"And you'll get them later, right now I have a job to do." I said, turning around and holding his waist. He ruffled my hair, kissing my head. He sat next to me, laughing once he realized the look on everyone's faces.
"Are you guys a thing?" Shane questioned.
"No." Garrett answered calmly, reaching out to hold my hand.
"We're just friends. I'm straight. We just cuddle and hold hands and shit. No sex, no lip kissing. I'm not into dudes." I added, Garrett nodding. Although he seemed fine with it, I saw a glimmer of sadness in his eyes.
"Oh...okay." Shane said, going back to his phone.

      I closed my laptop, taking my keys out of my pocket. I stood, holding Garrett's hand and dragging him with me.

"Where are we going?" He asked, confused. I stopped, turning and hugging him to me with my chin on his chest, looking up at him.
"Food. Just us though. We'll come back don't worry." He nodded, kissing my forehead. I heard Morgan giggle, obviously fangirling.

        We left the house, walking to my car. I got in the drivers seat, Garrett in the passenger seat. One of my hands was on the wheel, my other on Garrett's thigh. He smiled, hooking his phone up to my aux cord and started playing frank ocean. He loves this music, I don't really know why but he does. We drove quietly listening to the music, Garrett squeezing my hand tightly. This was unusual because Garrett usually holds my hand softly, but now he's holding on for dear life.

"Garrett, are you okay?" I asked, turning down the music and pulling into a chipotle parking lot. I looked at him, a light pink painted on his porcelain cheeks.
"Yah. It's just what you said earlier. No sex, no lip kisses, which I'm totally fine with, I just want to make sure you're not just using me as a cuddle buddy or something. Like, that we're actually best friends." He responded quietly, looking at his lap. I leaned over, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Of course we're actually best friends. Plus, I'm straight as a line. Why would I need a male cuddle buddy if I didn't know them very well?" To be honest, I might be lying. Yes, Garrett and I are actually best friends, but I'm not sure I'm straight.
"Okay, I trust you." He said, opening the car door.

     We got out of the car, walking into chipotle. I held Garrett's hand, a bit nervous to show this affection in public. What if people thought we were dating? I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea. Dating Garrett wouldn't be so bad, I mean kissing him might be nice. The sex would probably be godlike. But, I can't be thinking about this. Garrett doesn't want to date, and I shouldn't want to date. I shouldn't like dudes.


        We're sat in Shane's living room, watching the Lizzie Maguire movie. I know, Shane's choice. Shane and Ryland were laying down cuddling on the couch, Morgan was laying on the couch, and Garrett was on the floor with me in between his legs. My back was to his chest, my head on his shoulder. His arms were wrapped around my torso, mine placed gently over his. Garrett dropped his head, resting his forehead on my shoulder. He kissed me lightly through my sweater and shirt causing me to giggle.

"I wanna kiss you." He whispered, me smiling softly.
"I already said no lip kissing." I whispered back, quiet enough so only he heard. I looked around, seeing that Morgan and Ryland had fallen asleep. Shane looked at me, nodding. He woke the two sleeping people, dragging Ryland to bed and taking Morgan to the guest room. I guess she's staying the night. The lights were off, the credits of the movie playing.
"Not on the lips dumbass. Anywhere else." He moved his head, pressing his lips to the back of my ear. Shit.
"G-Garrett, st-st-stop. This isn't in our agreement." I demanded quietly, but I put my hand on the back of his neck, holding his head there.
"But kisses make you feel good, you've told me that before. Kisses and hickeys are better than sex and blowjobs, exactly what you said." He's right, I have told him that before. And I never said he couldn't do this.
"Just... make it quick. We have to leave soon. You have to get back to Popcorn and Echo." He giggled, beginning to kiss down my neck. I let a small noise leave my lips, loving the feeling.
"They're mice, Andrew. They can wait." He continued to kiss my neck, realizing I wasn't freaking out a ton other than small winces.

       He pulled off my hoodie, leaving me in my gray t-shirt. Oh dear god I know what he's doing. He pulled the shirt a bit, revealing my collarbone. His lips grazed over an area that hasn't been touched since high school. I moaned loudly, wiggling in his hold. He put his hand over my mouth, gently kissing the spot. Jesus does this feel amazing. He started to suck on the spot, biting down softly to make a mark. I continued to whine and moan, but quietly now. After about four minutes, he finished, backing off of my collarbone. He leaned in to lightly kiss the spot again, admiring his work. Surprisingly, I managed to not get hard. So that's good. Heavy breaths left my mouth as I leaned back against my best friend.

"Garrett, we have to go. It's late and we can't keep spending the night at Shane's house. We have to go to our own homes tonight." He nodded, standing up and still holding me. In one swift move he put me on his back and left the house. I giggled softly, breathing in his scent. Ok, I know one thing for sure, I'm falling for Garrett Watts.


Friends? ~ Andrett fanfiction by Skittlesisme Where stories live. Discover now