Private Affection

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          I woke up, sun blinding me as I opened my eyes slowly. I felt a small weight on my chest, looking down to see the blurry outline of Andrew. He has a date with Megan today, I reminded myself. I carefully moved, without waking the boy on my chest, to grab my glasses and phone off of my nightstand. I opened Instagram, scrolling through the app, playing with Andrew's hair with the other hand. I felt him subconsciously cuddle deeper into me, he does that a lot in his sleep.

         As I thought about what Andrew and I were, I got a Snapchat from Shane. I opened it to a chat of Shane asking if he can call me. I sent him a picture of Andrew on me with the caption "He's sleeping so just text."

Shane: So what are you and Andrew?
Garrett: Best Friends, cuddle buddies. Nothing serious.
Shane: You had sex in my living room.
Garrett: SHANE WHAT THE HELL NO WE DIDNT!! I gave him a hickey on a spot he likes, that's why he moaned.
Shane: So, cuddle buddies give each other hickeys?
Garrett: Yes. Either way he definitely isn't into me, he's going on a date with Megan later. I think he's in love with her.
Shane: Are you into him?
Garrett: I don't want to talk about it.
Shane: Okay, But promise me you won't go back to cutting.
Garrett: Jesus Shane.
Shane: Garrett.
Garrett: Okay I promise.
Shane: Good. Cause he needs you, whether you believe it or not. I gotta go, ttyl.
Garrett: bye.

          Right when the conversation ended, Andrew woke up with a yawn. I kissed the top of his head, him smiling at the action. He hugged me tightly then sat up, stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, cutie." He said, blushing a bit.
"That's new." I giggled.
"Yah, just slipped out. Sorry."
"Don't apologize. I like it." I blushed, giggling once again.

       I got off my bed, going over to my dresser. I pulled out one of my usual button up shirts and some chinos, getting dressed in front of Andrew. All I was doing was putting clothes on over my tank top and my boxers, not like he's  seeing me naked. That will never happen. Too many scars to be comfortable, especially one that's across my lower stomach.

"So, you have you date with Megan tonight." I said plainly, really hating the idea of him dating someone.
"Yah, it's our fourth one actually." He smiled, but only a small one.
"Things seem to be going so well. I just feel like since it's getting serious between you two, we should set some more rules to our cuddle buddy agreement." He seemed sad and a bit confused, but he nodded. He reached out to me, basically begging for me to cuddle him.
"What rules?" He questioned as I sat back on the bed, pulling him to me.
"For starters, no more cuddling in public. Like, not at Shane's, no holding hands outside, nothing. Only in one of our houses. I can no longer 'make you feel good' with kisses on your body. No talk at all of us being cuddle buddies, even with our friends. And most importantly, no more hickeys." Andrew backed off of me, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Garrett, why?" He whined, making me want to take back everything I just said.
"If you're going to be in a relationship with Megan, you can do all of those things with her. You won't need me for that anymore. At some point you're going to be so in love with her that you'll have sex, then kids, then happily ever after, and what you have with me would be considered cheating. Plus, you aren't into guys." He just sat in silence across from me, quickly wiping away a small tear that fell on his cheek.

        He stood, putting on his pants and socks. He grabbed his phone, shutting it off and putting it in his pocket. He walked over to me, kissing my forehead softly. He held my face in his hands, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. I saw a small glimmer of something in his eyes when he looked at me, something I've never seen in his eyes.

"What's that look?" I asked, smiling.
"I love you so much. As a friend, don't worry. But I really do." I hugged Andrew in between my legs, putting the top of my head on his chest so I was looking down at our feet. I love him too, but not as a friend. Hearing him say this, melts my heart but also smashes it into a million pieces.
"Do Megan?" Instantly he put a hand in my hair, messaging my head lightly to calm me down. He knows when I ask serious questions all I want is to be cuddled and calm.
"Garrett, we've only been on three dates." He said causing me to look up at him with my chin on my chest.
"Andrew, that's not what I asked?" I blushed, then did his weird nod and shrug thing. Shit.
"I mean, I might. She's really cute and nice and cool, I don't know though. Maybe." My eyes became misty, but I wasn't crying.
"Then why are you here, with me?"
"Because it's never a maybe when it comes to you."

Friends? ~ Andrett fanfiction by Skittlesisme Where stories live. Discover now