Soft Cuddles

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I woke up to Garrett kissing behind my ear and on my neck softly. I giggled, my eyes still closed. I reached back placing my hand on the back of his head.

"Baby, stop!" I whined, him tensing and pulling away. I turned around and looked into his eyes, caressing his cheek. I realized he wasn't wearing his glasses yet, so he's blind at the moment.
"You called me Baby. You've never done that before." I placed I soft kiss on his lips, feeling them unresponsive.
"Of course I did. You're my boyfriend now, silly. I have to give you cute nicknames." He blushed, his words being caught in his throat for a hot second.
"I'm your boyfriend?" He questioned.
"Yep, all mine. All for me and me only."
"And this isn't fake? Or a test?" I chuckled, kissing the tip of his nose.
"As real as Daniel Radcliffe." I responded, him squeezing me tightly to his body. Lord that boy is strong.
"Babe, you're kind of crushing my spine." I wheezed out, feeling his grip loosen.
"I'm sorry. I just never thought I'd actually get you. What does Megan think?" I closed my eyes, hiding my face in his shoulder for warmth.
"Who do you think wanted to just be friends? Not her, that's for sure. She tried to kiss me but I turned my face. When she asked why, I told her about how I had feelings for you. Very strong feelings. She, surprisingly, was very happy about it. Said she saw it coming, but decided to give me and her a shot anyway." I responded softly, knowing that Megan was actually hurt but wanted me to be happy.
"Well that's good."

I looked at him, admiring his features. My hand was still rested on his cheek, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. I smiled, thinking about him. His eyes are so perfect, a beautiful ocean blue. His skin so soft, like a porcelain doll. His hair so silky, like a golden retriever puppy. And his lips, oh my god his lips. Whenever I feel his lips on my body I just want to melt in his arms. Feeling our lips connect like puzzle pieces is complete heaven and I wouldn't change it for the world. I love him. I truly do love him. And I believe he loves me.

"We should talk about stuff. Relationship stuff." I said softly, tapping my fingers in a small rhythm on his upper arm.
"What relationship stuff? Everything seems pretty perfect to me." Garrett responded, kissing my forehead lightly.
"Um, when do we tell our friends?" He smiled, grabbing his phone. I saw him open his camera, a smile growing on my face.
"Kiss me." I complied, connecting our lips sweetly. I heard the click of the phone camera, pulling away. After a few taps on his phone, I heard the text sending noise.
"There. I told them." He announce confidently.
"When do we tell the fans?" He went on instagram, pulling up the picture he just took of us. He looked at me for permission and I nodded. He tagged me in it, posting it with the caption Morning kisses. About a minute offer he had posted it, the photo was flooded with supportive comments. Some asked how long we had been together, some just saying how they saw it coming and they support us, and then most were asking for a video about it.
"There. I told them." He repeated.
"When do we make the video?" He opened an album on his phone titled Andrew. I looked at the hundreds of pictures and videos he had taken of me sleeping on him.
"We can use cute clips of us over the next few days or so, put them all together, then make a small bit where we explain how we ended up together." I nodded, kissing his lips lightly.
"Now, importance. When do we have sex for the first time? And when we do, who will do what? How does it work?" Garrett chuckled, remembering I had never had gay sex before.
"Well, Andrew, I think that we shouldn't have sex for a while. I mean, you're still new to the whole dating guys thing and I feel like our first time with each other should be special. As for who will do what, it depends. Are you a top or a bottom? Personally I'm a verse." I stared at him quizzingly.
"Do you want me to fuck you in the ass or do you wanna fuck me in the ass?"

My face burned, red sweeping across. I never thought I would be talking about things like this with Garrett, ever. He chuckled, his chest moving as the noises came from his mouth. He hugged me to him, placing a kiss on my head.

"Both sound horrible." I mumbled.
"Well neither feel horrible. They feel pretty amazing actually, especially being fucked in the ass. So I might suggest that for you, because frankly I find joy in either." He mumbled back with a giggle.
"How is a dick up the ass comfortable?" I questioned, sitting up.
"Are we doing this right now?" I nodded, staring at him. He sighed, sitting up and looking at me.
"So, when two men love each other very mu-"
"Garrett I'm twenty-six!" I snapped.
"Fine then. The male g-spot, I don't know the scientific term, is located in the rectum. Once a penis, or a finger or anything really, hits that spot it makes you feel waves of pleasure. Repeating the action while jerking off can and will lead you to an amazing orgasm. So a dick in the ass, is very comfortable." He finished, lying back down next to me.

I plopped down next to him, hugging myself to him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me as close as he could. I placed light kisses on his torso over his shirt, Garrett running his hand through my hair. For one moment in my entire life, I enjoy affection. Shit. I'm in love with Garrett Watts.

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