Kiss Away The Pain

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     "Sh-Sh-Shane. I-I need you to come over. I d-d-did something stupid." I choked out a sob, the pain in my stomach becoming stronger as I bled. At least it wasn't that deep.
"Garrett, please tell me you didn't." Shane said through the phone, Ryland faintly yelling in the background.
"I did. It hurts."
"I'm on my way."

Time skip to when Shane's there

   "You were six months clean. What happened?" Shane question as he bandages the wounds I left on my body. I just pointed to a large bandage on the lower part of my torso. That scar, it's my biggest one and I always keep it covered, just in case my shirt goes up or something. No one except my therapist has ever seen it.
"Can I undo it?" Shane asked, I nodded. He hesitated a bit, then reached forward and slowly pealed off the bandage. He gasped softly, staring down at the 8 month old scar. There it was, ANDREW, carved into my flesh.
"He...he said he might be in love with Megan this morning. My body just shut down. I couldn't feel any emotion anymore. It seemed like the only option." Shane stuck the bandage back over the scar, handing me my shirt.
"Garrett, I know you love him, I do. I've been there, I am there. Being in love is heavenly, but only if that person loves you back. You just can't keep doing this to yourself, Andrew would be heart broken if he found out about this. Call him, get him over here after his date, and cuddle with him or whatever shit you do. Times like this is when you need him, okay?"
"Alright. I have to get home to Ryland and the animals. If you need anything, just call." I nodded as he left.

        I went to my bedroom, laying on my bed shirtless. I closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep. I pulled my shirt back on, pulling off my pants, laying back down. It seemed that the second I closed my eyes, thoughts scrambled around in my head. One specifically about Andrew and I, doing things. I got up, shutting my bedroom door and locking it. I pulled off my boxers and shirt, going back to my bed naked. I closed my eyes, thinking of that thought again.

       I wrapped my hand around my hardening cock, groaning at the feeling of my cold hand. I began to slowly move up and down, visions of Andrew running around in my head. This is as close as I'll ever get to fucking him. I fastened the pace, precum leaking from my member.

"Andrew!!!" I loudly moaned, arching my back as I started getting closer and closer to my climax. After a few more pumps, I brushed my thumb over my slit causing me to go wild. I basically fucked up into my hand as I came.

I rode out my orgasm then relaxed into my mattress. I grabbed a tissue from my nightstand, cleaning myself up. I stood, putting my shirt and boxers back on. I laid back down, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Time skip

As I entered Garrett's house I heard silence, something I usually don't hear in Garrett's house. I walked through the main room of the tiny house, saying a quick and soft hello to Popcorn and Echo, going to his bedroom. I tested the handle seeing that the door wasn't locked, opening it quietly. My heart swelled at the sight of Garrett cuddling a pillow, the one I usually sleep on when I'm here. I sat on the bed behind him, running my hands over his back. He moved slowly, opening his eyes and looking at me.

"It looked like you wanted cuddles." I said in the sweetest voice I could. He shook his head.
"No, I'm fine. How was your date?" I sighed.
"Alright I guess. She wants to stay friends." I saw him perk up a bit, then look sad.
"I'm so sorry." He put a hand on my knee, sympathetically smiling.
"Don't be. I'd much rather be here with you than at some fancy restaurant with Megan Batoon." He giggled, nodding softly.
"Really?" He questioned with a smile.
"Of course!"

After a few moments of silence, Garrett took a deep breath. His hands gripped his shirt, him looking up at me. His eyes were glosses over, as if he was going to cry.

"I have to show you something. I did something today, something I hadn't done in six months. And Shane told me I should tell you because of what we have." I nodded, watching as he pulled off his t-shirt. He stood in front of me so I could have a full look. I looked at his torso, seeing white bandages wrapping around his body.
"Can I unwrap it?" He nodded.

I took hold of the bandages, slowly unwinding them. Slowly, one by one, they started showing up. Cuts. I put my hand over my mouth, seeing as the visibly new ones show up. The bandages fell to the floor, my eyes staring over his body. I reached out, then pulled back. I looked up and he nodded, taking my hands and placing them on old scars. I lightly brushed over them, a single tear falling from my eye. Garrett wiped it off my face with him thumb. He moved my hands to the bottom of his stomach, placing them at the edges of a large patch.

"You want me to take it off?" He nodded. He hasn't spoken a word this whole time. I followed his orders, removing the patch. Tears fell from my eyes as I saw what was carved into his body. My name.
"You-You did this....because of me?" I questioned, him pulling me to him. I felt his heart beating quickly, happy that after today it was still even beating.
"I never want you to think it's because of you, Andrew. Ever." I pulled away, looking up at him.
"You carved my name into your stomach. How is that not because of me?" I said to him softly, running my finger tips over the scar again.
"It was eight months ago. I was in a bad mental state. You're my best friend and I was thinking about that." He responded, me just sighing. That's bullshit and he knows it, he's just trying not to hurt me. I went down on my knees, pulling him closer to me. His eyes went wide as he looked at me.
"What are you doing?" He asked, his hands in my hair.
"Kissing away the pain." Pink blush painted my cheeks.

I leaned in, placing a soft kiss over the 'A'. I repeated the action for the rest of the letters, slowly moving upward on his torso. With each inch, I kissed over each scar, running my hands up his sides to make him relax. I stood as I got to his chest, pulling away when there were no scars left to put my lips on.

"The pain in my head will still be there, Andrew. You can't fix everything with kissing and telling me I'm beautiful. This isn't a story, it's life." Garret spat angrily, sitting down on his bed and pulling his shirt back on. I stood in front of him, making him look at me.
"Do you actually think I don't know that? I do understand that, so clearly. I'm just trying to test the water. But you clearly don't see it and if you do, you don't want the same thing." He stared up at me, confused.
"I don't even understand what you're talking about."

I sighed, cupping his face in my hands. The scruff of his beard tickling the skin of my palms. I smiled, knowing that after this I may never feel that again. I leaned in slowly, my heart beating out of my chest. Garrett closed his eyes, knowing what was coming next. The second I knew he was giving me permission, I pressed my lips to his softly. He kissed back, a bit cautious. I pulled away, keeping my forehead on his as he stared at me in shock.

      After about a minute of staring at each other, our lips met again. I sat on his crotch, my legs on either side of him, my hands holding his head. He swung his arms around my waist as we kissed slowly. Our tongues danced together, our lips fitting like puzzle pieces. God. My body started to heat up, becoming bothered and needy. I threw off my jacket, pushing him down on his bed. He held my hips in place so I wouldn't move or do anything drastic. I put my hands up his t-shirt, running over the scars. He winced when I lightly brushed over new cuts but never broke the kiss.

"Andrew...slow down." He said quietly, breaking our lips apart. We both gasped for air as I sat on top of him with my hands on his chest to hold me up.
"You're right. I'm sorry. I've just wanted to do that for a long time." I smiled, getting off of him. I sat on the bed, my legs still across his lap as he sat up. He put arms over my legs, smiling to himself with a light blush.

"Why are you so smiley?" I asked, my breathing back to normal.
"You made me happy, you dingus." We both giggled, him bro punching my abdomen. I crawled over, lightly kissing him again. This one was much shorter, but held the same passion and emotion.
"Is that was made you happy?" I said after pulling away. He nodded, pecking my lips again.
"It's so cool to do that without you screaming at me." I laughed, falling back on the pillows. I pulled off my button-up shirt and my pants, out stretching my arms. Garrett laid down next to me, pulling me to him. I rested my head on his chest, my arms around his torso, our legs tangled as he traced shapes on my back.

"Goodnight, Garrett."
"Goodnight, Andrew."

I love you

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