4. Secrets

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The faint sound of pencil on paper could be heard. Skritch skritch skritch skritch. After a while it could drive anyone mad. But not him. His eyes bored into the paper, paying attention to only the drawing. He heard a knock on the glass. The young boy turned his head to look at his visitor. He smiled. He walked over to the glass, still smiling, like he had been told he had won a million dollars.
"Hello friend!" He whispered, as if afraid to scare something away.
They were walking through a forest. The sound of a running river could be heard nearby. It was very calm.
"Hurry up Alice, I wanna show you something cool!" the boy said.
"It's hard to keep up with you Tommy, slow down!" The girl was lagging behind.
"Did you bring me something today? I really liked the colored pencils you brought yesterday." The boy looked through the glass with starry eyes. A small package was slipped through a slot, and he picked it up. "Thank you pretty miss!" He exclaimed.
"Why did you bring me here Tommy?" Alice looked at the raging river with unease. "Because it's my fun place." Was all he said.
"I didn't do it on purpose, you know. The voices told me to do it." The young boy had tears in his eyes.
"Tommy, where'd you go?"
A voice came from the other side of the glass. "I know."
"This isn't funny Tommy, where are you?"
He opened up the package. Inside was a picture.
"Tommy, NO!"
"But you murdered Alice."
The boy looked up. A gun was pointed through a hole.
There was a scream, then silence. Tommy stood there, standing over Alice, a large branch in his hand.
"Pretty miss, why?" Tommy's eyes filled up with tears.
There was blood on the branch. Blood was running through the river.
"I'm sorry Tommy, but this is what had to happen."

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