Chapter 10

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'I hope it is important, because I have better things to do than house visits,' the Doctor complained when the three of them walked to the door of the Tyler's home.

'It is, I promise, she sounded really scared,' Rose convinced him.

'That is typical Jackie,' he sighed and then the Doctor knocked on the front door and Jackie opened it. She looked rather nervously.

'Come in, quickly,' she commanded and the Doctor followed her with Martha and Rose closely behind him.

'So, what's the matter?' the Doctor asked, but Jackie didn't answer him. She didn't even look him in the eyes and he felt that something was very wrong. He didn't like it at all. 'Jackie?'

'There, down the hall,' Jackie said and she pointed at the end of the hall, where an opened door was.

The Doctor carefully approached the door and when he was almost there, he found himself with his back against the wall with a knife against his throat. There was a face close to his and the Doctor recognized the face of Captain Jack Harkness.

'What do you think you are doing, Doctor?' Jack growled.

'I can ask you the same question, you are threatening me with a knife.'

'And I am not afraid to use it! You have gone too far this time. I consider you as my friend and I don't like to hurt you, but I will if you don't leave me another choice,' Jack said, pressing the knife harder to the Doctor's throat.

'Do you really think this is going to work?' the Doctor sneered.

'Yes, I do. I know that you are great in mind tricks and manipulating people and killing them, but that is not going to work on me. I am prepared for any telepathy and you know that I can't die. So you better stay calm and do as I say,' Jack threatened.

The Doctor watched the immortal's face in amusement.

'So how did you know that I would come here? Oh, hang on, I know! You are all in the same plot. Rose called you, didn't she?' the Doctor asked, looking at Rose.

Rose didn't say anything, she was looking at her feet.

'I TRUSTED YOU!' the Doctor suddenly roared, trying to get away from Jack's grip.

Rose flinched at his sudden outburst, it scared her when he directed his anger to her. She really hoped that Jack could handle him.

'Easy, Time Lord. Now I am going to bring you to a Torchwood base nearby and you will not resist, understood?' Jack said and then he took the Doctor's sonic screwdriver away and he cuffed his hands.

'Don't be stupid, Harkness. I will find a way to escape and you know it. You know that you can't overpower me,' the Doctor said calmly, but Jack ignored him completely. He was certain that the Doctor was just making empty threats.

Jack took out his teleporter and he asked Martha and Rose to hold onto him. Then he pressed the button on his wrist-strap and after saying goodbye to Jackie, the four of them disappeared. They were suddenly in the base Jack was talking about. And apparently Jack had already prepared a cell for the Doctor in the basement, because as soon as they arrived, Jack grabbed the Doctor forcefully by his neck and he started to restrain him with chains on the wall. Then he closed the cell door and he locked it with four locks. From behind the bars, the Doctor was glaring at the humans.

'You better let me out of here before I come out myself. You know you can't keep me here. Come on, Jack, don't be stupid, let me out and come on my side. You have such a strong character, I like that, we can work together,' the Doctor said smoothly.

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