Chapter 30

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'Please let me leave!' Rose sobbed while the Doctor was still holding her down on the floor.

'You really are desperate to leave me, aren't you? You have made a promise. You said you wouldn't leave me. You are mine, Rose Tyler. You are still mine. And I won't let you leave me. I am going to leave you,' the Doctor said.

'That's the same thing! Just let me leave!'

'That is an entirely different thing from what you are suggesting. You just want to walk out of these doors, hoping that I will never come back again. But that is not how I am going to do this. Elenoriah tried to kill me before, and you know what I have done to her. Don't think that you are anything special. You are going to suffer just as badly as her for what you did to me. Perhaps you will suffer even more...'

'You are not keeping your promises either!' Rose yelled. 'You said you would never hurt me! You said that you would protect me!'

'Things have changed, Tyler. I am not here to protect you anymore, I am here to hurt you now,' the Doctor growled, seizing Rose's upper arm and forcing her to stand up.

Rose fought back her tears and she bit her lip to keep herself from crying out. 'Wh-what do you want from me then?' she whispered.

'Come on... Can't you guess what I am going to do with you? Use your imagination, use your brains for once,' the Doctor sneered.

'You are going to torture me? Do you want me to be your slave? Are you going to rape me?' Rose asked, her whole body trembling.

'I am a Time Lord, not a primitive ape. Why do humans always think that physical torture and rape are the worst things that could possibly happen? I can do better than that, there are more ways to hurt someone... I did the same to Jack,' the Doctor said.

'What did you do to Jack?' Rose asked terrified.

'Think. You can guess, can't you?'

'You said he was alright!' Rose yelled.

'Do not shout at me!' the Doctor said through gritted teeth. 'You silly girl... I said he was alright, so he is alright. Why would I lie about that? You still don't know what happened?'

Rose shook her head, biting her lip to fight back her tears. The Doctor, or what was left of the Doctor as Rose once knew him, came closer to Rose and he stopped when he stood next to her. He brought his face closer to her ear.

'Are you afraid, my little human?' he whispered in her ear, very softly.

Rose felt the shivers running down her spine. Whatever she tried, the Doctor didn't come back to her. He recognized her earlier, but he didn't seem to remember that moment at all. He had asked her to help her. He begged her to help him. But Rose was desperate, she couldn't help him. It was as if the Doctor was trapped in his own insanity. There was something very wrong with him. Sure, she had been wrong trying to stab him with a knife, but still... Now Rose was only in more danger, mortal danger. And Donna was still not waking up. She was the only one who could possibly stop the Time Lord, but she was not waking up.

'Donna! Donna, please! Please help me!' Rose yelled, pushing the Doctor away and running over to where Donna was sitting. But the Doctor grabbed her waist before she could tear away the cables from Donna's head.

'Don't you dare,' he growled furiously. 'She will die. You will not kill someone I care about. Donna is the one who is under my protection now. We are going to be great together. And you will not try to come between us. So leave her alone.'

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