Chapter 13

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'Rose, don't be stupid. Think of what you're doing, give it to me,' the Doctor said, holding out his hand to take over the gun from Rose.

Rose didn't give the gun away, she still had it aimed at the Doctor, not even considering giving it to the Doctor. She had to finish this, if she didn't do it, then nobody would.

'I'm serious, I will shoot you,' Rose said.

'I never said that I didn't believe that. Go on then, do it,' the Doctor encouraged, putting his hands up as though he was surrendering.

Rose put one finger on the trigger, not wanting to show him that she really didn't want to shoot him. She didn't want to look like a wimp making empty threats.

'It doesn't have to end like this,' Rose said, giving the Doctor still a chance.

'Whatever you want,' the Doctor smiled.

That smile made Rose curious, he shouldn't be this comfy in front of a gun. He should be trying to stop her.

'What is so funny about this?' Rose snapped, her grip on the weapon tightening.

'It's got only one bullet. You've got that thing from Jack. He gave it to you, didn't he?' the Doctor grinned.

'So what? It still works and I am not afraid to use it! You can't talk yourself out of it now!'

'I know that, I am not even trying to. I just know that it has got only one bullet because I found the gun on Jack just before I imprisoned him. I decided to leave it with him, I thought he couldn't use it against me in the TARDIS anyway.'

'Why are you telling me this?' Rose demanded.

'I wanted to tell you that one bullet can't harm me.'

'Yes, I know that you can regenerate, I know that. But I want to take that risk, I hope you become a better man after your regeneration,' Rose snapped.

'You don't understand, Rose,' the Doctor laughed. His laugh really made Rose nervous. 'I have two hearts, I won't even have to regenerate. I could use some of my regeneration power to heal myself without completely changing into another person. As long as one of my hearts still work, I don't have to change myself. And to be honest, I don't want to change. I quite like this body.'

'You are lying. The Master was shot once and he died. He didn't want to regenerate so he died. And so will you if you don't regenerate. You are not scaring me off with your lies, if that's what you think,' Rose said.

'No... the Master chose for death. He could have healed himself, but he refused to do that. I am not lying, Rose. But go on, find out yourself, shoot me,' the Doctor sneered, knowing that he had made Rose uncertain now. 'You are aiming your gun at me, the one you used to love. How can you do this to me? I would never ever hurt you, I am giving you everything you could ever wish for and yet you are trying to kill me? I am very, very disappointed.'

'You did hurt me, you took away the freedom of everyone I care about on this Earth. True, I used to love you, but I liked you better in your previous regeneration. You may be handsome, but that is not everything, you know? I want the Doctor back!' Rose shouted, lowering the gun just a little, but she made sure that she could still fire it any time.

'I am the Doctor, and I am not going to regenerate just because you tell me to. Now give me the gun and I will free your family, I promise,' the Doctor said softly.

'You are lying! You are nothing but a liar! You are just trying to save your own skin! It is not working and you know it!' Rose yelled, raising the gun once more.

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