Chapter 38

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The Doctor was busy changing the coordinates of his TARDIS while waiting for his companions to come back. He had already some nice places in mind to take them, but he wanted to let them choose. When they returned, his enthusiasm instantly disappeared. Rose and Donna were not alone, they were being followed by Cobb.

'I thought I said that I would come to you when I had decided what to do with you?' the Doctor growled.

'He was walking in the corridor, we tried to tell him to go back to his own room and to wait there, but he insisted,' Rose told him.

'So he escaped? How is that possible?' the Doctor asked.

'The door was open, he said,' Donna answered.

'Can't the coward speak for himself?'

'He did speak to us, don't blame him, he is afraid,' Rose said defensively.

'If he is really so afraid, then why isn't he in his cell where I have ordered him to stay? Well?' this time the Doctor directed his question straight to Cobb. 'You disobeyed me.'

'I-I am s-sorry, b-but I-I...' Cobb started before being interrupted by the Doctor.

'Why is it that you have stolen one of the weapons from your room?' he demanded.

'T-to d-defend...'

'You threatened Rose and Donna with it, didn't you? They told you to go back and you didn't want that, so you threatened them!' the Doctor yelled furiously.

'N-no, th-that is not...'

'DON'T LIE TO ME!' the Time Lord thundered.

'Shut up, Doctor!' Rose shouted, though she was startled. 'He wanted to ask you something.'

'Did he threaten you?' the Doctor asked with his jaw clenched, giving Cobb a murderous glare.

'No!' Donna quickly said. It didn't matter what Cobb had done, admitting that he had threatened them would only make things worse.

'I don't care what he has to say. I can't see him yet. If he doesn't leave, I will do things to him I might regret later. Please take him back,' the Doctor asked as controlled as possible.

'He wants to leave! That is his question. He wants to leave the TARDIS,' Rose said.

'You can leave the TARDIS when I say so,' the Doctor said, looking at Cobb.

'P-please!' Cobb begged, falling down on his knees.

'Get out of my sight,' the Doctor hissed, charging at Cobb.

'Stay away from him,' Rose ordered, pushing the Doctor back against his chest, but she felt that the Doctor wanted to attack Cobb.

'Then make him leave,' he growled, taking another two steps forward, as if Rose wasn't there pushing him away.

'You see what he does to you! Just drop him off somewhere, I don't care where! Just let him leave and you don't have to see him again!' Rose said.

'He threatened you...' the Doctor said angrily, his eyes blazing with fire.

'I-I swear! I d-didn't do that! P-please, I am b-begging y-you,' Cobb whimpered.

'If I hear any more of your filthy lies, I will personally tear off all your limbs and stuff them down your throat,' the Doctor threatened, his glare still fixed on Cobb.

Rose's eyes widened in shock when she saw how serious the Doctor was, and she knew he would keep his word if she didn't make Cobb leave. 'Go!' she yelled at Cobb. 'Back to your room and make sure you don't try to escape!'

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