First Case Back

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I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing next to me. I see an unknown number and raise my eyebrows. As I sit up and stretch, I grab my phone and answer the call. "Hello?" I say groggily. "Hey, it's Gee" he says, and I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Who gave you my number?" I ask, and he chuckles. "Open your front door" he says, and my eyes widen. I run through the apartment and open the front door, seeing him standing in the hallway holding a brown paper bag and a cup holder with two cups of coffee in it. "Can I come in?" He asks, and I glare. "How did you know where I live?" I ask, and he smirks again. "I live here too. I saw your car out front and it was just a matter of asking the landlord" he says with a cocky grin. My eyes widen as he pushes past me, putting the bag and cup holder down on my kitchenette counter and plopping onto my couch. "Hey!" I shout, and he looks to me innocently. He hums questioningly and I sigh, closing the door and taking one of the coffee cups. "Why are you here?" I ask, and he takes the cup from my hand, taking a long, slow sip. I gasp, then glare at him, going to get the other cup. "We have a case, but I wanted to hang out for a while first." "We have a case?!" I say and he nods. I jump up from the chair and run into my room, throwing on some black slacks and a nice red blouse. I run to my door and slip on my black pumps, opening the door and speed walking to the stairs. "You're excited" Gee says from behind me, and I nod. "I've been gone for four months!" I say, and he chuckles. I jog over to my car and open the driver's side, then Gee slips into the seat. "Excuse me" I say, giving him a look. He gives me that innocent look again and I glare, then sigh. "Let me drive, candy" he says, and I look to him incredulously. "Candy?! Do I look like a hooker to you?!" I shout, and he laughs. "I meant it as a compliment. Candy as in eye candy" he says, and my glare turns into a surprised blush. "O-oh.." I say, and he tilts his head. "Has no one ever complimented you before?" Gee asks, and I look away. "Lets just go to work" I mumble, and go over to the passenger seat. I slide into the seat and close the door, putting my seatbelt on as Gee starts driving. I notice his frequent sideways glances, but ignore them, opting to keep my distance and remain professional. I stare out the window while Gee makes the turn into the precinct driveway. When he stops, I quickly step out of the vehicle and go into the precinct, headed directly to the bullpen. I gotta keep my distance..

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