Chapter 7

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Andrade's POV
Live Event venue

          ''I look great''I said as I was checking myself out in mirror  at  locker room. I wore my black thighs and west and also my black boots-today was live event and I was  so happy about it because I will team up with Hayley .

Ever since we had that match  I knew that there is something between us. There was something that made me mesmerized about her -she was different than other girls I have been with, she made my heart beat faster and smile big and she was so fun and smart and so beautiful .

       I really hoped that we would be  more than friends I really did. I released my hair letting them be free and I ruffled them up  a bit.

Then Andrea came in locker room changed in her dark purple gear and her hair was made into ponytail and  her make up was already done-my sister looked so beautiful.

        I remembered when she was a little girl and her and I went to see our dad perform  and as we watched him we both wanted to become wrestlers ourselves and tour the world and now we were doing that and making our family proud.

                 I looked at her and smiled and she looked and said ''What brother?'' and I replied ''You look beautiful sister'' and she replied ''Thanks big brother'' and I smiled and began to stretch  and she did same and then Thea came in    looking all dolled up wearing back crop top and pants and  matching heels,  her hair were straighten and make up was simple but cute .

                 I looked at her and smiled and she looked and said ''What brother?'' and I replied ''You look beautiful sister'' and she replied ''Thanks big brother'' and I smiled and began to stretch  and she did same and then Thea came in    l...

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         She sat at bench looking sad and   I  stopped stretching sat next to her  looked at her  and asked ''¿Qué pasa ?''(Translation:Whats wrong).

            She sighed and hid her face in her hands and said ''Oh nothing its just I am in relationship with good guy really good guy but my ex  is still texting that he wants to reconcile but I have moved on ''.

Then Andrea hugged Thea and said ''Thea  first of all you have new guy thats so cool and second tell Austin boy bye You gave me promise ring and treated me like garbage leave me alone and change your number hun''

                   Then Thea smiled and replied ''Yes I have new guy and I will introduce you two to him later tonight he is visiting  and also he is co-worker and I will do that'' and my sister replied ''I will help girlie I got your back '' and Thea smiled, lifted up her eyes and  replied ''Thanks'' and I murmured ''Cant wait to see the guy who has stolen my friend's heart'' and Thea replied  ''You will love him''.

           I went back to stretchering and Thea  looked at me and asked ''Um Manny are You gonna wear your luchador mask at start  like you usually do or you will skip this time ?''

I looked at her and  replied ''Gonna skip this time why asking'' and she smiled and replied ''Just checking mate'', I smiled and fixed my hair one more time and Andrea smiled and asked ''Dude chill whats up'' .

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